Name Deborah Farnchurch-Hybrid
Age 23
Nationality England

She has an ample frame - not fat but not at all thin. But still,
when a woman wants to be treated kindly, as all the classy bints do, then her
weight is not a considered variable. She has hefty jugs though. Woof woof.
Favourite Colour Violet

Horse riding, it up the back entrance, cigar smoking men, fine wines, roadsters,
cranberry sauce, bitter, lemon mirangues, strawberries and cream, hotpot
Dislikes Short dresses, commoners, morgues

Some words:

Well hello, baybeh! You may think that I have to be treated with kid gloves because of my wealth, but I need it rough and dirty if I'm going to be fully satisfied and I hope you feel the same, hah hah! So, please, treat me like one of you common people, you know I can afford it, hah hah. Toodle pip for now, darling.

Phone (UK) - 01626 865160 to organise a date....

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