The Crow: Restless Souls


Welcome to the land where the Restless Souls wander and revenge is the sweetest gift. This page is dedicated to all those Restless Souls who are aided by The Crow. People once believed that when someone died, a crow carried their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it; and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back, to set the wrong things right.

This Crow page is mostly dedicated to the orginal movie, but there will things about the new tv show, fanfics, and books. There will be no Crow: City of Angels information on this site. In my opinion that movie just didn't carry the Crow storyline very well at all. Though the site will no longer be updated, it will remain.


Pictures from The Crow

Video & Sounds from the Crow

Crow Fanfics

The Crow: Stairway To Heaven


Crow Odds and Ends

The Crow: Believe in The Afterlife
The Crow: Stairway To Heaven Webpage
The InteREactive Crow page
Cecil's Crow Page
Believe in Angels
The Crow Page
The CrowWeb Zone
The Crow Fan Fiction Archive
The Crow: A Boy and His Bird
The Crow
Do Believe in Angels
The Crow Page

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