Peruvian Amazon Evangelical Missions
Misión Evangelica de la Amazonia Peruana

This is a list of the various needs of these villages. Please pray about how you can participate in God's work here in the Peruvian Amazon Jungle. If you can provide anything of these items, please keep in mind that you will have to pay the boat ferry for delivery and approx 4-5 days for food for 2 persons, please get in contact with me and I'll explain in more details how I can deliver these items.

Needs of the various villages
For all villages, the following:
TOP PRIORITY - They need bibles yesterday! Please hurry on these item!
a. Bibles, with acid treated paper. Nueva Version Internacional.
b. Sunday School Material, for one years course.
c. Pastor's Study Bibles
d. Bible Commentaries for the 6 pastors, especially the Gospels.
e. Generator to light the church, the lodge and the pastor's house.
f. Missionary Lodge, to house the visiting missionaries. Approximately $4,000.00 US Dollars.
It will have mosquito netting and restrooms and a lounge area for relaxing.
g. Some kind of Pastor's Study Guide. Most of these pastors do not have the seminary study that pastors in the states have.
h. Ceiling fans. Approx 5. (It gets really hot and humid in the jungle!)
i. One floor fan. Approx. $30.00
j. Musical instruments such as, Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Bass Guitars, Drums , Keyboards
k. Sound System and microphones. The instruments and sound system (believe it or not) can be bought in Iquitos. We will take them to the villages.

For specific villages, the following:

1. Leoncio Prado
a. Cash to finish building the church. At this time there are no walls and there is only a dirt floor. They would like a cement floor. Approximately $4,000.00 US Dollars for a 2 story church building, complete with men and women's restrooms and a shower area. This will be the main church and jumping off point to visit the other villages. All materials will be bought in Iquitos and we will personally accompany it to the various villages.
b. Outboard motor - 65 HP or higher. 80 HP would be preferred. This will be used to visit the other villages. By Ferry Cuninicu takes 12 hours, using a 65 HP outboard motor or higher that would take about 4 hours or less!

2. Mudial
a. Cash to build a church. They are currently using the pastor's house. This will be a smaller church than in Leoncio Prado. Cost Approximately $2,000.00 US Dollars.

3. San Martin de Tipishca
a. Cash to build a church. They are currently using the pastor's house also. Cost Approximately $2,000.00 US Dollars. .

4. Nueva Union
a. Cash to upgrade the current church. Cost Approximately $1,000.00 US Dollars. This is our new church, praise God!

5. Cuninicu
a. Cash to repair the current church. Cost Approximately $1,000.00 US Dollars. If someone donates enough cash to build a new church that would be cool, awesome and I'm sure they would all love it! Then cash to build a new church approximately $2,000.00 US Dollars.

6. 6 de Julio
a. Cash to build a church. Cost Approximately $2,000.00 US Dollars.

copyright © 2005 Peruvian Amazon Evangelical Missions.