Movie: Inspector Gadget
Rated PG (Disney)
Running time: 1 hr. 20 min.
Starring: Matthew Broderick,
Rupert Everett, Joely Fisher,
and Michelle Trachtenberg.
Directed by David Kellogg.
Produced by Jordan Kerner,
Roger Birnbaum, and Andy Heyward.
Written by Jeff Berry,
and Kerry Ehrin.
Rating: 81% (Yeah, that's right. I liked it!)
It's a family movie for folks of all ages. Starring
Matthew Broderick as the Inspector him-self, he's originally
just your average Joe Shmo security guard. However,
he was a security guard with a dream; a dream to... make
a difference! While that sounds somewhat... corny, it's
actually quite cute. Anyway, he eventually gets his
chance. On one fateful night, he draws up the courage
to chase down "Claw," (Everett) after this venomous fiend kills
the lovely Dr. Brenda Bradford's (Joely Fisher)
beloved father. However, this heroic deed eventually
hurts him to the point that a big white cast surrounds his
whole body (meaning he was basically without a body) and
leads to the creation of... (dah dah dah dah dah).....
Inspector Gadget! From there, the filck basically
takes off from one adventure to another. It's
definately a CUTE CUTE film which parents should DEFINATELY
take their kids to see!
While I'm probrably giving teenagers a bad name by writing
this review, it really must be said. Now, I know several
highly regarded critics find this flick to be "arbitrary
and poorly done." However, to the little 8 year old
I heard walking out of the theatre saying "That was
better than Star Wars," Inspector Gadget kicks.... bottom.
As a teenage girl, some might even go to the
desperate measures of saying "You're talking from a bias
prespective! You're probrably in love with Matthew Broderick
or something." Oh please! I'm 15 and he's like 30!
But before I "get off the bandwagon" too much,
I've got to make my candid point: Inspector Gadget was made
for kids and so generally, adults may find it prosaic,
or even a little dry. Nonetheless, the average movie
goer will be entertained; and in the end, that's all that
REALLY matters.
I'm not saying that it's a perfect film and my rating reflects
that. But the film could have been just a tad bit longer
(judging by the fact that the editors seemed to have cut
out an incredible amount), and there really could have
been more dialogue. I mean, a child's attention span IS
lower than the average adult, but I think today's kid
can handle it.
A bit off the subject however, I was browsing through some review
web-sites, and a little something (disturbing) caught my attention.
No offense, but some of these adult movie
critics gave Drop Dead Gorgeous better reviews than Gadget.
For goodness sakes! Who's entertained seeing a bunch of
perfectly intelligent young women parade around in a
self-degrading image of the 90's steriotypical ditz?
Certainly not me. Gadget is a far better movie and
it's simply no comparison! But going back to the
review it-self...
A very bright preformance was... preformed by Michelle
Trachtenberg who played Gadget's niece. Her character
was cute, and showed America the INTELLIGENT girl. I'm
sorry but lately, we've just been seeing way too much
idiocy that I can't but help commend her for simply
being a bright kid. She also gives the predominantly
young audience the impression that kids can make
an impact. Even though this is starting to sound like
one of those after school specials, it's true that children
can do a lot more than they get credit for. I like the
way she shows the audience through action and not words.
I particularly liked the fact that she counseled Claw's
side-kick junkie out of being a criminal! How cute!
I think his line was "You've got a smart kid over here."
Now that's what I'm talking about!
Overall, the film's cute. It's been too long since I've
seen a movie like that and I must admit that it's rather
nice. It's fun, good entertainment, and simply enjoyable
to watch. After reading 17 reviews on this film (in
an attempt to get some inspiration for my own) I still
don't understand why these critics don't like the movie.
All they say is how boring it is, but they don't say WHY
it's boring. They say it's poorly acted, but they don't
say WHY the acting was so poor. I'm sorry but I just
had to go completely solo on this one, and I really don't
care. In my opinion, Inspector Gadget is a great flick.
If that makes me an "immature" or "inexperienced" critic,
then so be it. But I guess if this doesn't work out in
the future (being a critic and all,) I could always go
into micro-mechanical engineering... GO GO GADGET!
Yikes. That was incredibly lame. But then again, what
do you expect from a fifteen year old who has nothing
better to do than write movie reviews?
(Oops. Was that out loud?)