Movie: Simon Birch
Rating: PG
Drama, Comedy
Starring: Ian Michael Smith
Joseph Mazzello
Director: Mark Steven Johnson
Writer: Mark Steven Johnson
Producer: Laurence Mark, Roger Birnbaum
85% Rating
This film is surprisingly cute, and incredibly well done.
Basically, this is film about two boys, from seemingly
different worlds; but in all actuality, two very similar
boys. Both are somewhat outsiders, both are seldom
understood. They help each other in times of need,
and support one another as best friends should. However,
one of them, Simon, was born very small; and along with
that, a very small heart as well. Joe, somewhat like
him, was born a "bastard child." In other words, Joe was
born without a known father. Nonetheless, these two
boys stick togeather and Simon knows that one day, his
ultimate purpose for being on Earth, shall be made
known to him.
While the film's plot can be a little cheesy at times,
the film's acting was very impressive. Often times,
films which star children are rather risky. In all
honesty, children often have trouble "carrying" a film.
However, Joseph Mazzello and Ian Michael Smith seem
to know what they're doing. Furthermore, the whole
atmosphere of the flick is fun and entertaining. It's
one of those movies that just makes you feel happy inside.
It's one of those movies, that are simply adorable. While
as a critic, I could definately take off points for many
things in the movie, I'm not going to do that because this
movie has an air of something speicial. Furthermore, the
fine young actors involved in this project deserve an A.
Nonetheless, the story's ability to be fake, phony, and
a little hazy at times, brings that A down. In general
however, the plot still deserves some credit; but not
quite as much credit as these actors deserve.
First of all, Mazzello is just an unbelievably talented
actor. He's young, but really knows what he's doing. His
portrayal of Joe was really charming. As the audeince,
it was clear that this child had a certain depth of
maturity which noone understands; however, at the same
time, he's a twelve year old boy who's just trying to
get through childhood. From losing his mother to death,
to losing his best friend in the whole wide world, this
kid's had it tough, yet he's lucky at the same time! He
was fortunate enough to have known Simon Birch who
ultimately gave him a faith in God. This breathtaking
preformance was simply beautifully done. He captures
the essence of childhood, and Joe's well experienced
heart. He's a kid who's been through much, yet holds
things togeather nonetheless. The talent, the acting
is just splendid!
Overall, Simon Birch is an extrememly well done film!
While there were some areas in which the film did lack,
it's far greater than most films out there. It deserves
definate credit, and is definately worth $3.65 to rent
at Blockbuster!