The Mary Fan Club
The Sailor Screw-Ups

You've heard about it...and here's the pictures to prove it!

Sailor Tweek
The Sexy one of the Sailor Screw-Ups
Worshipped by Sailor Skills, Sailor Goth, Sailor Shakey, and Sailor Misc.

Sailor Shakey *Bryan* with razor wit and great come-backs.
Sailor Misc *Terri* with her creativity and spirit.
Sailor Goth *Bjorn* with his incredible charm, strength, and love.
Sailor Skills *Tom* with his keen senses, calmness, and grace.
You have been a wonderful influence on my life. You were always there for me...and still are.
Although we are not the "group" we used to be, we will always be The Sailor Screw-ups.
I love you guys.

Sailor Shakey as Brain Middlebrook, Sailor Goth as Bjorn A. Whitney, and Sailor Skills as Thomas Maier. Ya, baby!

The sexy beetches who started it all!

Goth and Tweek pose all cutie anime-like for the camera!

Woo-woo! Shake it, Sailor Misc! AKA...Terri Shreve!

Sailor Goth and Sailor Misc are the American version of Team Rocket. Sailor Shakey stands in as Meowth...and I've been declared as their other little pokemon...lucky me!

Our heros!...ahem.

Guess what Skills is tossing to Misc...check out the middle of the's a UFO!

Sailor Skills looking SHARP!

Sailor Goth as mild-mannered Bjorn A. Whitney

Sailor Tweek!...

Just resting...checking eyelids for leaks...

Merry Christmas from Jusenkyo! One of my favorite pictures ever...

Ladies and gentlemen...the man, the myth, the epileptic prospector...Shaky Jake.


Bjorn would rather eat Tom's ankles than eat Perky's pizza. Tom would rather Bjorn go eat something else.

Bjorn's behind the eight ball...really.

Watch it! Misc has a pool cue and she'll use it!

RIGHT! NOW...If I've told him once, I've told him a thousand times..."No Bermise Terri hunting in the Camelot living room!"...Oh man...Jason Newstead is lookin' at me funny...

Ride 'em...I don't wanna know what he's riding...

The Croc Hunter is being real friendly with the Bermise Mary...he has to gain her trust before he subdues her!

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