The New York Times Square
Hi! I'm Quinn and welcome to the New York Times Square! This is mostly a page of Newsies FanFiction. If you have a story you'd like to see here, just email me and if I like the story, I'll add it! It's just that easy! Sorry I took so long to update, but I've been super busy for the past two years...but I never stop writing, and there are a few stories up now! Aren't you excited?

To those wonderful folks at Disney, Newsies and everything about it that's on my site is  your property. I don't have persmission to use any of it, but I'm not making a profit from it. Before you sue me, please keep in mind that I'm just a poor (very, very poor) college student, and I don't own anything of any value, except my beloved Billy Joel CDs. Thank you.
Check out the webrings page
My Favorite Newsies
Kid Blink
David Jacobs
...and my boy Mush
That's enough of this, read the stories!