When one is going to travel there is nothing better than a road trip. Now a 1400 mile trip can be long so make sure you bring along fine company such as I did with 'Dream Team' member Brock Behling.

Since my baby left me I found a new place to dwell, 
it's on the edge of Jabronee St, called the Smackdown hotel...

Stop at all venues, here I am at Graceland at 3:00 AM.

Although our car was awesome, we decided to trade her in for a new one.

Where to sleep without a hotel room



Drove straight through, no sleep.
On Burgundy Street, unkowingly to us
in a Gay neighborhood.
Downtown New Orleans across from a Cadillac
dealership with a security guard hidding behind
a barbed wire fence.
In the Walmart parking lot, 10 miles away.
Downtown in a neighborhood were a building
was broken into acrosse the street while we slept.
In a wayside in Mississippi.
No sleep, drove straight through.
Back in La Crosse.

As a Packer fan, it was a must to stop in Brett Favre's home town.

Top 10 things to look for on Bourbon Street.



It's a man, man.
Beads flying in your tuba.
The Hand Gernade, can definitely give
you all the courage you need.
The Playboy.com balcony, enough said.
People you met on the Walt Disney World
College Program.
Bead's to the side, shirts to the sky.
The children of God, condemming the evil
which is occurring on this street.
BATHROOM'S, impossible to find.
Two beers for $1.00
Rufee's in your drink!!!

Many people flash themselves for a cheap pair of beads.

If you get to greedy for beads, Brock might have to spank you!

You never know what you might get grabbed in New Orleans

With all the chaos going on make sure you bring along protection.

We needed a place to shower, little did we know when we
used Xavier's dorm showers that we were an extreme minority.

Don't feel ashamed to bathe in a public place, use
soap and shampoo the same way you would at home.

After you have a nice buzz going, don't be proud and enjoy the cheap beer of the common folk.

Huge beers aren't the only large things you find on Bourbon Street.

If you have a few too many beers you might make a few new friends.

Parade's are an excellent chance to meet new people, just don't get caught
throwing beads in tubas or you might get threatened with prison time.

Brock wants you, (ladies) to enlist in his army.

When dining first check out if there are any strange colored flags in the windows,
we didn't notice till after we ate. Hence the good service.

It never hurts to dress up for Mardi Gras.

Just Make sure your final stop is back home,
and not with the New Orleans Police Department.
