Rob Mc Caine

Rob joins the ranks of not only the Dream Team, but also as a former roommate of mine. When I first heard I was going to live with Rob, I didn't even know him. I was told that he was the type of person that seemed like the life of the party without even touching one drink, and he easily lived up to that.

Rob was a member of the UW-L swim team, in fact he loved water so much that he didn't hesitate to take a shower. An avid soldier, he was handy at rewiring, and needed renovations.
Never in my partying existence have I met a person as unselfish as Mc Caine, he was always worrying about hooking up his hombres first and then himself. Whether we were cooking ham at 3 am, pissing off the neighbors, or just doing some pimping it is always a pleasure to party with Rob.
