Painting white hair is hard, especially when you don't want to make the subject look 90. At first I hated this painting, because it wasn't what I imagined, but after looking at it several months later, with the original image no longer in my brain, I actually think it looks pretty good.
Inuyasha was given black hair hair to indicate that Sesshomaru checks up on him on nights of the new moon, but I think he would've looked better with white hair. He looks too feminine as he is now.
Well I was right, I went back and painted over the original and I think Inuyasha looks better with white hair. It helps that I beefed him up a little too.
Inuyasha looks awesome as a hanyou, I did this sketch on newprint and added color in photoshop. The background is the original scanned newsprint.
I just love the transition between the hanyou and the human. I basically did the human side of Inuyasha solely in Photoshop. It's a better transistion that way.
And here it is the transistion gif.
I gave a clue as to who Inuyasha's companion is. It's in the picture, but you have to look closely.
This is one of my favorite pictures because I was playing around with filters and this background just happened.
The foreground was done completely in MS Paint and the background in Photoshop.
I wanted to capture the cherry blossoms falling but it doesn't look so good. I think the two brothers snuggling is still cute though.
Girls love a hot sexy hanyou who can turn human once a month, but big brother can top even that. He's got pschydelic hair!
Now you know what really happened when Inuyasha was pinned to that tree for all those years.
I drew this on cardboard so the darker skin is the original medium showing through.
I think it's funny when people write fanfics with Inuyasha being marked by Sesshy when his neck gets bit. That's not how real dogs mark their territory.
I cut this one off even though you couldn't see anything. I'm such a meanie. The background this time was my playing with textures.