77 Simpsons Extravaganza: MMMM's
Homer's MMMM, Compiled by George B. Ross
George B. Ross gross@stimpy.ame.nd.edu
- Mmmm... marshmallows (in There's No Disgrace Like Home [7G04])
- Mmmm... chocolate (in Krusty Gets Busted [7G12])
- Mmmm... Ooh.. Macamadamia nuts (in Bart's Dog Gets an F [7F14])
- Mmmm... horse doovers (in War of the Simpsons [7F20])
- Mmmm... spaghetti (in Treehouse of Horror II [8F02])
- Mmmm... purple (in Homer Defined [8F04])
- Mmmm... beer (in Lisa's Pony [8F06])
- Mmmm... salty (in Lisa's Pony [8F06])
- Mmmm... the land of chocolate (in Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk [8F09])
- Mmmm... crumbled-up cookie things (in Lisa the Greek [8F12])
- Mmmm... potato chips (in Homer at the Bat [8F13])
- Mmmm... strained peas (in Homer Alone [8F14])
- Mmmm... snouts (in Dog of Death [8F17])
- Mmmm... fattening (in Homer the Heretic [9F01])
- Mmmm... Burgher (in Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie [9F03])
- Mmmm... soylent green (in Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie [9F03])
- Mmmm... shrimp (in The New Kid on the Block [9F06])
- Mmmm... grapefruit (in Brother from the Same Planet [9F12])
- Mmmm... organized crime (in Last Exit to Springfield [9F15])
- Mmmm... beer (in So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show [9F17])
- Mmmm... beer (in Whacking Day [9F18])
- Mmmm... sixty four slices of American cheese (in Rosebud [1F01])
- Mmmm... invisible cola (in Marge on the Lam [1F03])
- Mmmm... candy (in Marge on the Lam [1F03])
- Mmmm... convenient (in Marge on the Lam [1F03])
- Mmmm... forbidden donut (in Treehouse of Horror IV [1F04])
- Mmmm... business deal (in Treehouse of Horror IV [1F04])
- Mmmm... free goo (in Boy Scoutz 'N the Hood [1F06])
- Mmmm... apple (in Boy Scoutz 'N the Hood [1F06])
- Mmmm... hamburgers (in Boy Scoutz 'N the Hood [1F06])
- Mmmm... foot-long chili dog (in The Last Temptation of Homer [1F07])
- Mmmm... Marge (in The Last Temptation of Homer [1F07])
- Mmmm... mediciney (in Deep Space Homer [1F13])
- Mmmm... sacrilicious (in Homer Loves Flanders [1F14])
- Mmmm... elephant fresh (in Bart Gets an Elephant [1F15])
- Mmmm... caramel (in Bart Gets an Elephant [1F15])
- Mmmm... bowling fresh (in And Maggie Makes Three [2F10])
- Mmmm... urinal fresh (in And Maggie Makes Three [2F10])
- Mmmm... slanty (in Homer vs. Patty and Selma [2F14])
- Mmmm... incapacitating (in The Springfield Connection [2F21])
- Mmmm... beer nuts (in A Star is Burns [2F31])
- Mmmm... something (in Another Simpsons Clip Show [2F33])
- Mmmm... sandwich (in Selma's Choice [9F11])
Bonus Mmmm lines:
- Wiggum: Mmmm, engine-block eggs (in Marge on the Lam [1F03])
- Homer: Ingredients: Salt, artificial honey-roasting agents, pressed peanut sweepings... Mmmm (in Boy Scoutz 'N the Hood [1F06])
Last updated August 9, 1995. og@digimark.net.
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Last updated August 9, 1995. og@digimark.net.