Okay. I'm not gonna say it again.
But I feel as though I should make myself clear. Again.

Cee here, sorry to disturb you. But I must let you know. I do have a little disclaimer at the bottom of the main page, the one after this one, after you click the picture. I swear...I thought it was working, even though I realized the text is very tiny (but also very effective). But obviously it has not.

It wasn't until recently that I've felt that I have had to make this clear. I will say it now...for the LAST...TIME.

+ I am NOT Jonathan Jackson.
+ I am NOT Tyler Christopher.
+ Do NOT send me emails addressing the both of them. They will NOT get it. It is NOT their address. I will just discard them, and possibly laugh behind your back.
+ Do NOT send me anymore of those, or I swear, I really WILL put them up for all the world to see, and cause others to possibly laugh behind your back.
+ And whoEVER the HELL signed me up for Allposter.com updates, excite!mail and Crushmaster ... you sick, twisted, feeble old troll. I WILL find you.

Don't make me repeat. Watch out...next time...there will be NO warning. 1