Jerry's Country Music Ring By adding your site to this ring you will be linked to other sites with similar subject matter. A viewer will be able to click one button and go forward to the next site in the ring or backward and so on. This is a very good way to get more people to your site and a great way to meet people with similar interests.
There are only a few requirements.  They are:
         1. Your site must pertain to Country Music in some way.
         2. Your web page must be a good one!  By this I mean a
            site that has good information and that is updated
         3. And finally the ring fragment (HTML Coding) must be
            placed on your site within two (2) days after
            submitting your request!
         4. Oops!  I forgot the most important one: You must
            have FUN! Be creative!

ATTENTION: Anyone who has recently attempted to add there site to this ring and have received rude e-mail messages, please read this! The Webring Mangement Page (where all the system configuration is done) was hacked into by someone! The person (if you can call them a person) that did this thought that it might be fun to change the e-mail messages that this system automatically send to new sites to something a little more creative than the original messages! I would like to apologize to anyone who has experienced these rude messages or any other problems. The password has been changed and the e-mail messages have been fixed. An extra-special THANK-YOU goes to Paul Campbell of the Webring FAQ Page for all his great help in resolving this problem quickly. Thanks for you patience an again I'm sorry for any inconvience that this may have caused you.

Submit site to The Country Music Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Post a message on this site:
The Country Music Ring Message Board

This is what the graphic that you will have to place on your page will look like. The new graphics have arrived! You should download these new graphics. The HTML code for the main graphic will be sent to you after you have submitted your entry form! Please contact me with any questions or concerns!

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