This is for great pages! | |
This is a special award given to EXCELLANT PAGES! |
I would like to thank Lady Betty for designing these ( dare I call them beautiful!) awards!
There are certain requirements your page must meet before your page can win my award. I will visit each site submitted (as soon as I can - maybe even sooner !) and I will be looking for the following:
1.Is your page realted to horror in some way whether it be about vampires or, like mine, a horror move?,
2.Is it well layed out? Easy to navigate? A great page is usually the most simple.
3.Is it fun? Does it have original writing?
4.Do you give credit to the pages you 'borrowed' graphics from?
If you can say "yes" to all of these, then you have a good chance of receiving my award, but Im not saying that you will win it for certain - just because you have 5 zillion hits a day doesnt mean Im going to instantly give you my award.
There are also requirements of things your page should NOT have:
2.Racism, bigotry, bashing of any type
4.Offensive material
5.Dead links and/or broken pictures
6.Music that is on a constant loop and that I can't turn off!
I would also like it if you would sign my guestbook. A lot of people don't sign the guestbook and I would really like to hear what you have to say about my page, so now Im making guestbook signing compulsary!
I would hate to receive an application for
an awesome page and not be able to give the award because the guestbook was not signed.
I don't mind if a page takes a while to load, especially if the content is worth it.
Sometimes I will
bestow this award on a page that I come across in my daily surfing that catches my eye or that I
like very much.
Well, that's about it. As you can see at the top of my page there are two awards to choose from but remember my regan award is only given to the Best!
Please apply by filling in the form below:
Thankyou! Now all you have to do is wait!