- What exactly is the Romberg's Connection?
- We are a support group that was founded in 1997 by two people with Rombergs Syndrome. This group is here to offer friendship, courage, support & strength for people whose lives are affected by Rombergs Syndrome.
- Who is welcome to join your group?
- Anyone who has a desire to come to a better understanding of Rombergs as it affects their lives or the lives of their loved ones.
- How do you communicate with one another?
- Since we are spread out around the world, our main source of keeping in touch is through e-mail. We also keep in touch through our Romberg's Connection Guest Book.
- Do you have a list of doctors with Rombergs experience?
- We do have a list of doctors who some of our members have gone to. We can not endorse any of them, but pass along that they have dealt with Rombergs patients.
- What if I don't have an e-mail address of my own?
- Here we have provided several links to FREE e-mail sites.
We also use regular mail to keep in touch with our members who do not have access to a computer.
- Are there any membership fees?
- No, there are not any membership fees.
- How do I join?
- You can write us at rombergs@hotmail.com or visit the Rombergs Yahoo Groups Community website at:
Rombergs Yahoo Groups Community
Once you have joined the Rombergs Yahoo Groups Community, you will be able to post messages to the entire group at the Rombergs Connection. You also have the option of sending messages to our entire Group by addressing your message to a special Yahoo Groups e-mail address.
Please rest assured that this is a PRIVATE list, no one but the members of our group will have access to your messages.