Depends on how I'm feeling, and how busy I am !

I read quite a lot, and come across many interesting quotes....funny, angry, stimulating, depressing, egoistic, pathetic, romantic, but anyway interesting.

As often as it is practical, I will put up my favorite quote of the ......( day/week/month/hopefully, not year! )

If you have an interesting quote of your own, add it...send me mail {sivaraj@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in}.MAIL ME NOW


August19th !!

"Be not the first by whom new things are tested, nor the last to lay the old aside"

August 9th, 1996

"The nice part of being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right, or pleasantly surprised" - George Will.

August 8th, 1996

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother" - Theodore Hesburgh

August 6th, 1996

"Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose"

August 4th, 1996

"No man is a hero to his valet"

August 3rd,1996

"You don't have to deserve your mother's love. You have to deserve your father's. He's more particular.
- Robert Frost

August 1st, 1996

"The future is female...
Full of broken promises
Pretty to look at
...but horrible to face"
- Anonymous.

July 28th, 1996

"If you have nothing to do, DON'T DO IT HERE !"

July 23rd, 1996

"A wise monkey is a monkey who doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey"

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S.SIVASUBRAMANIAN/sivaraj@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in/Updated on 19th August,1996