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Chronic Disease
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For Healthcare Professionals

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Are you experiencing health problems declared “Non-Diagnosable” or “Incurable” by  conventional medical practitioners?

Are you afraid of needles or tired of taking medications?

Have you tried numerous forms of therapy without achieving fast and lasting results?   

Do you want to find out the real reason you don't feel well, and seek natural ways to effectively and permanently eliminate illness for good?

Do you want to quit smoking and enjoy your healthy life as a non-smoker? Have you tried to quit smoking but have not achieved successful result yet?

Do you sometimes experience stress, anxiety, depression, low energy, low efficiency or feel difficult to concentrate on what you are doing? Do you want to optimize your performance at work or your own business? Do you have difficulty in communications, understanding, or building up harmonious relationships with others at home or work?

If so,  you have come to the right web site! Dr. Jason Liu (Ph.D./M.D.) is a neuron scientist and energy medicine practitioner who developed an innovative form of therapy to treat patients with chronic conditions or help his clients balance the mind and body to gain best health, but without using needles or any medication. Dr. Liu is the only practitioner of this therapy in the US. Most people who come to his clinic have suffered from multiple, longterm symptoms that affect their daily lives, including work, activities and/or relationships.

This breakthrough therapy, which combines traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, is called Brainwave-Meridian Therapy (BMT), which is published and recognized by the International Energy Medicine Association. The treatment involves  no needles, no drugs, no physical touch, and no side effects. The best part of BMT is that it targets not just the physical symptoms, but the whole being - mind, body, spirit and emotion.

Aside from the traditional energy diagnosis of Chinese medicine, Dr. Liu has integrated modern technologies to analyze your brainwave frequencies, pulse waves, heartbeats, and their inter-relationships. BMT is highly customized to each individual’s frequency data, and effectively addresses all symptoms. This therapy helps to remove mental and physical blockages, thereby enabling the circulation of energy along the energy paths (meridians) to empower the virtual life force, enhance physical and mental energy levels, and rejuvenate the mind and body.

Many others  have enjoyed the experience and benefits of this recognized breakthrough in the art of healing. Join them by starting your own healing journey today!

Dr. Liu accepts clients by appointment at his offices located at both North County or Mission Valley, 591 Camino De La Reina, Suite 812, San Diego, CA 92108.

Make an Appointment with Dr. Jason Liu



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(Monday~Friday 9 am to 7 pm Pacific Time)
Mission Valley Office: 591 Camino De La Reina, Suite 812, San Diego, CA 92108
North County Office: Del Mar / Carmel Valley 858-729-8380
619-316-8978 or 619-316-3198
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