People Bingo

One thing that we've done in the past is a people bingo. You draw a 25 square board and in each square you write something like " has a dog" or  " is a kops" or whatever. You can leave the middle free if you want like a real bingo or fill it in also. Everyone has the same sheet.

Then everyone goes around the room trying to find names to put in the spaces. You may not have the same name twice and you may not put your own name. You can give little prizes for completeing the sheet and if you want you can even play it like a bingo when everyone is finished filling out their cards by pulling names out of a hat instead of numbers. we did this for hospitality last year and it was a big success.

You can also just put it down as sentences with blanks. That way you can put as many or as few clues as you wish.    Another thing we did with our cub group when I went for training is a little bit along the same thing. There are a bunch of statements/ questions and you answer them for yourself. For example, "Does not have a car" so if you do not have a car you would put your name under that one. Then you go around trying to find at least one other person who would answer that one the same as you. You can make it as long or as short as you would like.

Both of these games forces people to get up and walk around and talk to each other. Sometimes they have to change their answers around because they can't use the same name twice. If I used Mary Smith for has brown eyes and I need a teacher, I may find out that Mary Smith is the only teacher so I would find someone else to fill in the spot for brown eyes.
It's a good idea to make some fairly easy ,
such as "has brown hair" and other hard ones.