Doug's Personalized/Vanity Plates Page


I think we have all been there. You see license personalized or vanity license plate and wonder, just what does it mean. Well, some are easy, some can have multiple meanings, and some are just hard to firgure out. The other day, I was talking with friends and someone made the comment "there should be a book or something to tell you the meanings of the personalized plates". Well, this is not a book but I thought it would be a good place for people to let other people just what does their license plate mean. So if you have personalized or vanity plates and want to let others know what your plate stands for, please submit them to me. All I need is your plate number and its meaning, if you want to include the issuing state and any stories that go with your plate number it would be appreciated. Thank you

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1 IL EMT one Illinois Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) (not 1 sick EMT) IL  



Page Created 09-04-04

Page Last Updated 09-04-04

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