Welcome to B.A.N.G. Inc

Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Group

Hi! My name is Sharn Baylis and this is my personal homepage. As you can see, I have a committment to offering an effective and powerful self-help facility for women and men who suffer from or care about someone who has an eating disorder.

So sticking a few words up on the WWW and hoping people will accidently fall upon it, is not all I'm about. This page is the early stages of my plan to:

  1. offer advise, support and a safe place for sufferers to come and research what the hell's happening to them
  2. to lift the awareness of eating disorders in the Community, the Medical Arena and the Government
  3. assist in conjunction (not competition) with the work of professional care
  4. help the development of prevention in the community, not just deal with the symptoms

As you can see, I have only just created this site and will be improving on it everyday (I hope). But for now, if you just want to drop me a line to say hello, let some steam off or share your support for this kind of page, please do so!

It won't be long and I'll get my act together and start giving you the biggest list of Eating Disorder links, resources, books etc ever seen....Well, maybe not the biggest, but large!

Finally, as with all good girls and boys on the Web, there are a few people that deserve my thanks and recognition and they're damn good sites to boot!

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Well, Bye for now! But remember, visit again soon to see the mind-boggling, spine-tiggling, all round amazing changes and additions I am soon to create.

Want to know more about me?....No? Oh, well here it is anyway..
[My struggle with Bulimia]
[where I work][where I play][My pets]
[back home][send me a note]

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© 1996 sterling@sterlingauctions.com.au

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