Congratulations are in order for Master Joe Martin who was approved for induction into The World Karate Union Hall of Fame.The ceremony will be held at the beautiful Pocmont Resort on Friday June 4TH 1999 in the scenic Poconos of Pennsylvania. -  
                              Mr. Bell, World Karate Union Inc.
Esoma at a glance 
The Origin of a modern style
Grandmaster Joe Martin - Biography of a martial artist. 
Sijo Martin and the BEAR! 
David Carradine and Joe Martin
Visit... the Center for Holistic Instruction 
Click here to view our Calender
T'ai Chi in Davidson, North Carolina 
The Silver Dragon Kungfu Academy 
Wu shu Awareness Center and Our News letters.
Photos from The Silver Dragon Kungfu Academy in Davidson, NC  
Master Sui Comes back to the United States for the first time in 27 years.
Bulletin board Assembly is our attempt to provide a forum for martial artists to assemble and discuss their art. Click The Forum Bulletin Board  
Register with Assembly 
Esoma Philosophy  
"It is the philosophy of any system that holds the tactics, techniques and applications together. Without a full understanding of the subtle concepts, a martial art becomes a group of pre-defined movements, void of any true continuity. Esoma has a well defined philosophy that binds the resulting tactics to create a remarkably well formed art." 
- Joe Martin, Founder 
Requirements for Testing 

Five Modes of EXECUTION  This discourse is concerned only with the application of the specific moves of any given form and does not include other necessary information pertaining to the development of a proficient form, such as breathing, focus, decomposition, etc. 

For Information About Class Times
(The Center for Holistic Instruction
(704) 89-56788

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