But I taught myself some programming nevertheless. Mostly BASIC, some PASCAL. The picture shows the first programmable "computer" I had. It had a mind boggling 1,600 bytes of memory after upgradation and I learnt
BASIC on this 8 inch wide piece of art.
My two favourite programs (written by me!) are Abdomen.bas and
Maths.bas. They are my ummmm. . . what's the plural of piece de resistance? (Pieces de resistance? Email me if you know the answer.)
Abdomen.bas can be used to diagnose tummy aches - but it's a bit technical.
I wrote Maths.bas to help my daughter learn arithmetic.
Oh, and before I forget - are you looking for audio files, graphics or other software on the net? Then you can't miss this site - its called "EarthStation1- links through the known and unknown universe" . Mind you, its a 180-odd KB page with zillions of links and may take a while to load. You need to see it an bookmark it.
My passion for computers helped me make a lot of friends in the InfoTech business, and here are some links to their home pages. Some of these pages are beautiful, and there's lots of interesting info.