
This page is for your information about sciatica -- what it is, what can be done to ease the pain (for example, medicine, food/diet, etc.), how to cope with sciatica (for example, when sleeping, exercising, etc.), and more! I'll also be sharing my tips that have helped me with my battle against sciatica.

New information Things are going well with me. I'm busy, as usual. However, the backs of my thighs do not hurt as much as they used to, and I'm walking and cycling again (knock on wood).

I'm sorry for not updating this site as often as I'd like. I thank all who have been patient with me, and who have asked about my health. New information will be added here soon, I promise! I am trying to write a diary entry at least once a week. =)

I received an annoying letter from a marketer on November 7, 2002, commenting on his product that I had tried in the past that didn't work for me. Read it here and read my response to his e-mail in my diary.

New informationMy old guestbook hasn't worked in a few week, so I've started a new one instead. Please sign it, if you'd like. It's always a treat to hear from folks!

New information My current message board is about to be shut down. It seems as though the host cannot find my registered e-mail address in its database for me to do any administering whatsoever. However, it can send me an e-mail to the registered address, indicating that my board will be deleted. Got to love that! Anyway, I'm starting a new board on a completely different system. It should be set up shortly. Feel free to click the buttons that follow:

Free Message Forum from Bravenet Free Message Forums from Bravenet

Thanks to all who have written to me. I'm still swamped with e-mail, but please be assured that I read all of them. I'm still trying my best to respond to everyone.

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This page was last updated on March 10, 2004. If there are any problems with this site, please contact Mary Tan. Thanks!

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Sciatica definition
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