June 11th
We have sure been having terrible weather, windy and rainy for days now, next week it is suppose to get up to the 80's again, ALL RIGHT. Mom does't like the rain either, she gets tired it, being a Californian even through dementia it is understandable. She is doing really pretty good. She gets herself up to her walker and takes herself to the toilet, she even went into the kitchen and got a drink of water by herself. I keep close by and always watch her but don't get in the way when she tries to do for herself.
June 18th
This past week has gone very well. Mom is more like her old self again, although she still does alot of singing at night, it could be worse though. She has a great appetite and alot of energy during the day. It is kind of hard to get her up but once she does it is o.k. We have been going places during the day and taking rides when the weather is nice. Yesterday I was able to go to the beach and enjoy 87 degree weather, I took the big dogs and Robert and Crystal came too. It was fun watching the dogs frolic in the water, this was Wizzers first time to go and he loved it. Betty and mom played cards and talked while I was gone. It does them both some good, it keeps mom occupied and gives Betty something to do as well. Here is a picture of mom doing the dishes, just a few but it made her feel better, more needed and less in the way. Gosh my kitchen is SOOOOO small.
June 30th
These past days have very busy for me and I haven't had a chance to update. I have been spending every free moment fixing up the exterior of my hourse, which definately showed 30 plus years of neglect, I am having it painting Wednesday the 5th and had to get it done, by myself. Mom has been great, her moods are wonderful and she has been very attentive to details in her communication, she stillhas her singing and carrying on momnets but they aren't too bad anymore. She is looking to the 4th and all the 'doings' at the lake.
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