My Journal
October - 2000

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October 1st
Last night when I went to bed I thought today would be pretty good since I planned on sleeping in but I was wrong. I got called at 8:30 a.m. from the NH, mom was having one of her episodes of being violent, she had hit two nurses and a resident so I had to get down there p.d.q. When I arrived mom was in a wheel chair refusing to get out of it because she hurt so bad and couldn’t walk, she had refused her meds earlier and sat herself on the floor because she didn’t want to use her walker anymore. I got her into her room to change her clothes and take her meds, I also slipped her a Trazodone. I had been trying for over two weeks to get them to put her back on the Trazodone but they didn’t follow through with it. Once I had her calmed down and in the coffee room the nurses and aides came in to applaud me on my abilities to clam her so quickly, I told them all that I had done was give her the Trazodone and asked if they now saw why she must stay on them? Well, they immediately went to call in a request from the doctor for a new prescription. After mom had her coffee she started talking about what had happened and it seems that they were holding her against her will and all she wanted to do was get on the bus for Seattle so she could take care of her ‘mom’ who is very sick and needed her. It didn’t help that they kept telling her that I was very sick and she had to stay there until I got better. After three hours I was able to convince mom to stay there so I could get the dogs to the vet (lie), I kept calling the NH for the rest of the day and evening to check on mom and she was doing just fine.

October 2nd
I couldn’t sleep last night, I was worried about mom and afraid I wouldn’t hear the alarm at 5:00 a.m.. I had to get up and drink my stuff for the CTScans at 7:30 a.m., they only took 35 minutes so I went back home until time for my Bone Marrow Aspiration at 11:00. I thought I would get a nap but no such luck, everyone was calling to see if I knew anything more about the tumor shrinking or not. My soon David and I went for the BMA, it took nearly 2 hours, didn’t hurt much when she was doing it but once the lidocain wore off, OH BROTHER. On our way down in the elevator I remembered that Crystal had an appointment that morning at 10:30, so we checked at the counter, come to find out she had been admitted. The baby’s heart rate kept dipping too much so they decided to induce her. She was in labor until 10:11 p.m. when she delivered a 5 pound 15 ounce, 20 inch baby girl named Kasi Shi-Lynn. We found out that the cord was wrapped around her neck but had moved to around her head and that is what caused her heart rate to fluctuate so much. She is beautiful with a full head of dark hair. I am so glad I was able to be here when she was born.

October 3rd
Mom seems to be doing good for now. I haven’t been back to see because they have colds and pneumonia there and I can’t be around it at all. I did go up and see Crystal and the baby. Kasi looks just like her daddy but she has her mom’s ears. She is so cute, I feel like the luckiest person in the world.

October 4th
GOOD NEWS, the CTScan shows the tumor has shrunk by 50% so all is a go for Seattle. I got my Hickman Catheter inserted today, it took a lot longer than I thought it would, nearly 3 hours. I hurts like heck, just at my neck though. They put it through the juglar down to the right atrium of the heart with three access tubes available for use. Now I have to make very sure it doesn’t get infected or dirty. I leave for Seattle tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. David is driving me. I also won’t have a laptop so someone will be updating when possible.

October 5th
Guess what ? I didn't get to go to Seattle today. The Hickman Catheter that I got yesterday fell out this morning when I was brushing my teeth !!! I was so scared because there was so much blood. I applied pressure but it wouldn't stop. I called the hospital and they got the doctor on the phone and had me come right down, they had to do it all over again. OUCH. So I was re-scheduled in Seattle for tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.. I also found out today with a new doctor doing it that they just slide the tube up under the skin from near the right atrium and then hook it into the juglar at the base of the neck, they don't put it all in the juglar like I said they did. This doctor stitched it to me also, it will take 2-4 weeks for it to heal. I was so disappointed not to go today but then I did get to hold my baby grand-daughter so it was worth it.

October 26th
This is Robert, mom asked me to try and fill everyone in on her. She's doing OK, but not as good as we had hoped. She has been in the hospital for ever a week, she went in cause of sever diarya and blood in her stool. They think it's her small intestin inflamed. That's over but she is still in bad pain. Her blood counts won't come up, so they want the family to donate plasma cause we will be the closest match for her. She's had a fever of 102 this whole time and some kind of infection that they can't find. Well that's pretty much what's going on. She would like to hear from people she has been REALLY depressed. I will get her address and post it for anyone that might want to write her with words of encouragement or blessings. Please exuse the spelling.

November 6th
Mom is doing 100% better then she was she's still not all better but alot. I'm not to sure how she does her pages so I'll just be doing my updates here. She is back from Seattle, she called the trans. off cause it almost killed her. She is in the hospital here now. Any cards or letters can be sent here. 3808 Pacific Way Longview,WA 98632. Well sorry so short but not much to tell.

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