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Danise Koppenhaver
Please make note that my email address has been changed.
Denver, CO USA

We've climbed to the top of that mountain...and the moon shines brighter upon us.

Welcome to my Homepage!

I was born April 17, 1957 in Denver, Colorado. (No, I don't ski but here's a link to conditions here since people assume all Coloradoans do and ask me for reports :)) My Dad tells me he wasn't prepared to handle what he saw when they held me up to his face just seconds after I was born. He took one look at me, turned white and said, "OhmyGAWD, put her back! She ain't done yet!" :) I come from a family of artists. My mom makes handcrafted leather dolls, my brother lead singer/guitarist for a band called Guild of Ages. and also works as a personal trainer in a Health Club. Visit their page. They travel all over the world and he is enjoying every minute of it! He was recently married to JoAnn in Hawaii on a beach with a BEAUTIFUL sunset. She is a wonderful addition to our family! My sister designs floral arrangements, my uncle is an artist in Sante Fe, my Grandmother does exquisite beadwork on moccasins, and me? Uhmmm, does putting on makeup count?



I have two beautiful girls; Giga and *Desi. Giga is married to Frank, an elementary school music teacher. They are the new proud parents of my grandson, Isaiah. Giga is also an accomplished violinist. She performs with the Arapahoe Philharmonic and is always busy performing around Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, etc., with her quartet. Deseree' is a Lead Teacher for the Kaleidoscope program with Denver Public Schools, and looking forward to returning to school this Fall. Desi will be getting married to Cory next summer so she has been having fun planning for this long awaited event! :)

*By clicking the link to "Desi" you will find the story of her difficult, and yet fulfilling, journey through cancer. Desi beat the odds and is now devoting her life to helping others with cancer.

Both Giga and Desi have brought more pride to my life than words can describe. I am very lucky to have Cory and Frank as my son-in-law and future son-in-law. Life is good! :)

Skip Koppenhaver is the most wonderful man a woman could ever ask for. God brought us together under the most difficult of circumstances but has blessed us with an abundance of happiness. He has rewarded us for our patience and understanding that all things happen for a reason. Each time I think things couldn't get any better than this, they do!

Skip has two beautiful children, Benjamin and Rebecca. By clicking on the link, you'll get a Neesey Story at no additional cost!

My life has been very fulfilling, and motherhood has been extremely rewarding. After working 23 years and being heavily involved in every school committee known to man, attending the girls' sporting events four days a week, music performances, plays, cheerleading events, and everything in between, I am hanging up my hat(s)and taking a 23 year coffee break! :)


Things that make me smile

[*] My baby grandson - "Sugar Bear" Isaiah's Page

Danise Koppenhaver

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