People to thank....

. . . most importantly the donor and his family who gave me back my father. The rest are listed in no particular order, just as we think of them. Without these people, we couldn't have made it. Thank you all!

Margret - for allowing me to collapse in exhaustion.

Beverly - for manning the 'com center'.

Boyd Enos

Al & Barb Schening and family - for the countless trips to the hospital, the emotional support, and always being Dad's other family.

and the rest of Dad's friends & family.

Paul Murdoch, Nancy Diaz, Carol Swart, Ilene Comes, and all my other friends . . for everything, always.

Faith Community Church

Walt's Mobile

Jewel Foods (especially the pharmacy people!)

West Chicago State Bank

and the other local people, churches, and business's who promoted the blood drive.

Dr. Enrico Benedetti - the surgeon who performed the transplant

Dr. Raymond Pollok, Chief of Liver Transplant - who followed Dad's case, start to finish

Dr. Thelma E. Wiley, Gastroenterology Fellow - for all the magic

Dr. Thomas J. Layden, Professor of Medicine, Chief, Section of Digestive & Liver Diseases

Patricia J. Gaddis, RN, MHPE, Clinical Nurse Specialist - who took us by the hand thru the process & was up all night & day with the rest of us while surgery was going on

Dr. Washington

Our social worker (who's name eludes me at the moment - somebody tell me!)

Roz, Eric, Stephanie, & the rest of the incredible nurses & staff on the transplant floor - when we are at our worst, they are at their best!

& the receptionists & security staff that got used to seeing me at odd times and let me in with no hassles, the cafeteria staff that helped try to find something Dad would eat, and the unknown number of people at the University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital who went out of their way to help...

Prof. Lawrence - the reason for this speech.

Kathleen Margurger - for being the 'heart' of DeVry (& giving me the occasional 'kick start').

Mike Kazinski - for his efforts on the blood drive for Dad.

Dean Wallace, Prof. Holtz, Prof. Qarmaza, Prof. Velebilt, Prof. Hanapel, and the other faculty who encouraged students to donate blood.

The fraternity who organized and ran the blood drive during a time when my brain was fried.

Prof's Parr, Qarmaza, Velebilt, Hanibal, and the rest who showed their concern, took late assignments, gave make up exams . . .

Ruth Harding, Kevin Lawson, Orlando Yanares, Jutine Patel, John Koth, and the rest of the students who got my assignments, took notes, gave blood, helped me in lab, passed messages to faculty . . .

and the countless other students, staff, and faculty at DeVry Institute of Technology, DuPage who went out of their way to help.

. . . and GeoCities and The Icon Depot who made this page possible.

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