Naturopathy - Medicine of Past and Future

We are Naturopaths, Chen teaches it and we both practice it.
But what is a Naturopath?
Well... A Naturopath is a practitioner of Natural Medicine that subscribes to the notion that the body has the tools to cure ITSELF but may need help/prompting to do so well... All this is of course philosophically enough, however it takes four years in a serious school (at least) to become a true NATUROPATH.

Among the links ahead you will find SCHOOLS of Naturopathy, Associations, Practitioners we know (or know of :-) ) Articles, etc.





There is no software today (to the best of our knowledge) that is Naturopathic per se. The one program I use and find to be closest to such a definition is Ibis. Since any software that will help Herbalists, Nutritionists etc. will help a Naturopath so I''m including a Link to the general Software page.
