Dominick Amadeo
Chris Bara
Alice Clare-Thompson
Dianna Costa RN MSN
Diane Graham
Dora Reed
Congress Report by Dianna Costa RN MSN This years congress proved to be one of the most controversial congresses ever. This was evident by the lively discussions that took place at the first forum and house of delegates on Monday March 12, 2001. The first item for discussion was the propsed bylaw amendments related to the affilate memebership category. A lively debate ensued and this item was amended to read the work "associate" because the members felt associate better describe our industy partmer. On Wednesday the second forum and second house of delegates met where they quickly passed the bylaw change to allow "associate membership to individuals who support the mission of AORN and who primarily are engaged in one of the following professions: health care industry representative, central service professional, physician, health care administrators, or pharmacist." These members could not hold office or service as delegates. This category of member shop is expected to increase AORN's membershop to make us a more viable organization. This was over passed by the delegates. Several proposed practice statements were introduced to the house for discussion and amendment. The following proposals were introduced. AORN made a proposal on the nurse to patient ratioswhich stated a perioperative RN must be given to each patient in each operating room. This statement is very important for those states where the RN circulator role is not part of their department of health's bylawa. The next proposed statement was on site and side of surgery and the statement of nursing students in the OR. AORN made a historical stand by stating that schools of nursing need to revise their programs on students in the OR in include more days and longer exposure. AORN encouraged all members who are in academia to support more days in the OR and extend their programs with others in the profession. AORN encourages members to volunteer for clinical nursing instructor in the OR in order to promote the role of the perioperative nurese. At the second forum the dues increase was heavily debated. The resolution was passed after much discussion. The dues increase is due to take place in June 2003 at $15.00 a year increase, this and an increase of $1.25 per month. With this dues increase AORN is still the least expensive specialy organization of them all. Also introduced at the second forum was the governanace task force recommendation. The task force suggested "to obtain AORN's governanace to better position AORN in setting direction for the future." Some of the things the task force is looking into include fully revising the bylaws, structuring the House differently to allow for broader presentation, doing business differently at the House of Delegates, reviewing the need for all officer postions, removing the standing committees from the bylaws to increase flexibility, disseminating information about association work and processes more widely, investigating the mechanism related to the balloting and elecitonof Board and Nominating Committee members, creating opportunity for members to choose where they will connect to the organization, clarifying and strengthening the strategic planning process, creating a heightened awareness of volunteer contributions, using the knowledge and expertise of those with experience and commitment to the organization, and explori8ng different methods for students to join AORN and get involved. The board of director was charged to form a task force to investigate one-member one vote that was proposed by Ruth Shumaker RN, Past President. Ruth Shumaker stated each member deserves to have an individual vote. This will be brought to the 2002 House of Delegates in Anaheim. This was a very packed agenda and all proposals and resolutions were passsed by the House of Delegates. The 2002 House will have a rally6 full deck of issues to deal with but they will have the opportunity to make real change. Thank you for allowing me to your delegate to congress. Home Page
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