Danny's Letters to God
Not Having Been Appointed God
Dear God,
Good morning and an abstinent beginning to go along with a major change in attitude from my whining childish thinking yesterday, thanks. I find that if I just do the next right thing good things happen. Sometimes when I ask You for something You tell me to wait and of all three replies wait is the one that I really don't like. Just thought You would like to know..=)
As I sit here this morning all showered, shaved and coffee mug filled the world seems to be in order at least for me. Yesterday my thoughts were of poor me and why this and why that. The noise You heard was Danny stamping his feet all over Your earth mainly because You are in charge and not him. The entire world should rejoice that God is alive and well and He isn't me!! Today all I ask for is the knowledge of and strength to do Your will. Well it might be a nice gesture if You would watch over my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who still suffer and the people I don't like.
I'm off to my Saturday f2f meeting and step one is to be discussed today, then on to lunch and a drive to help one of the fellowship. What a nice way to spend this wonderful day, in Your service.