Danny's Letters to God
Home Alone
Dear God,
Good morning. The sun has just this minute burst through the morning fog to brighten up my den but still my mind and heart are wrapped in the fog. There is a part of me missing and once again I'm pulled in two different directions. Don't get me wrong as my life is full enough for several people, and it is a good life. When the woman you sent to run my life is on her ladies’ weekends the first day is easy then goes right into the hopper emotions-wise. Now what do I do?
If I tell her I'm like a lost puppy without her she will not go again, and I can see how relaxed and full of happiness she is when she comes home. On the other hand I do tend to spoiling her while in this frame of mind. Something to think about. Same thing happens in reverse when I run away for a few days with the guys, only she lets me know before and after as she enjoys doing the guilt routine. In less than two weeks I'll be flying down to Florida a week before her and have much business to do. When she arrives with daughter Kristine and granddaughter Erin I will be very happy to see them all. Guess I'm just a very old little kid inside.
Sitting here reading these words I feel somehow makes the empty part go away while leaving the warm fuzzy stuff behind. I don't know and don't care why this happens every morning when we have this gentle time alone, it sure helps me. BRB. Had to fill the java mug, I do make a mean cup of coffee if I do say so myself. I cannot believe how wonderful my life has become and will I'm sure continue as long as I do the next right thing.
My plans for the day are to wait for her to return safe and sound, watch football and the fights I taped last night, and listen for Your directions. Please allow me to be the right person available at the right time to help one of my fellows today. Meanwhile I could use the wisdom to know and power to do Your will just for today. Keep a Godly eye on my family, friends, fellow loopies, those who still diet and them what I just don't like.