Heavyweights on the Journey

Rose Rose

Dear New Friend,

Thank you for visiting the HOTJ Worldwide Web Site. We are a discussion group of men and women who are compulsive overeaters who "talk" daily to one another about problems relating to our disease.

I'd like to tell you a little more about HOTJ ~ ~ ~

This Heavyweights on the Journey group is more than just a list in cyberspace and a web site in cyberspace. It is a place where those of us with compulsions can meet with others who suffer and share our experience, strength and hope with one another. It is a place where we can feel at home. It can become our cyberspace family and where we know that we will be heard and not judged. A place where our anonymity is assured. And a place, as the poet said,"where, when we have to go there, they have to take us in."

The HOTJ Loop will focus on compulsions and addictions relating to food. Many of our members weigh over 400 pounds ... some of them considerably over that .... and this is our place to discuss the problems that come about with the disease we suffer from. We have dreams and goals and through the process of working towards these dreams and goals we hope to reach them. Although many of our members are also members of Overeaters Anonymous and other world-wide groups, the only requirement for being a member of HOTJ is to weigh over 400 pounds or to have at one time weighed that and have the desire to no longer compulsively overeat.

Members of this list find much emphasis on the Twelve Steps. The Twelve Traditions are the guidelines of this group along with several others which are geared mainly to Netiquette and cyberspace. Copies of the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions and our Guidelines will be sent to you separately. We are not affiliated with any other organization, e-mail list or institution. Because this list is composed primarily of members of anonymous groups, it is not a public media of communication and thus members may use their last names if they desire. Pseudonyms are also acceptable. Readers of this list are urged to respect the anonymity of the users of this list. What you read here, what you see here, let it stay here.

Please do not pass on the messages that are posted to this list without first getting the permission of the person who originally posted the message. On the Journey is copyrighted; however, permission has been given by its author to be sent to anyone who is seeking recovery.

Our group differs from most other cyber recovery groups in many ways. One of the ways is that this group focuses on those of us who are challenged in our disease by a great deal of overweight. Another way we differ from other groups is that this is a topical group. Each week we focus on a topic to aid our recovery.

Anything that one would share at a recovery meeting is welcome here. Users are particularly encouraged to share their own recovery stories knowing that no matter how insignificant the share might be to a person not deep in our disease, our words can be life saving to one who is.

Information that one might share individually with another OA member at coffee after a recovery meeting is also welcome here as long as it is of general interest to the rest of the list. Discussions of other programs are best left to other locations. Personal attacks and flames (scathing comments) are not welcome here. Commercial messages are not welcome. There will be no disruptions of the flow of this group. If someone persists in doing, they will be asked not to.

In accordance with the Twelve Traditions, a loving Higher Power (as we understand Him) as expressed in our group conscience is our ultimate authority. Our list has volunteer Trusted Servants, a List Manager and a List Coordinator. We have access to online sponsors, online recovery meetings, seminars from world renowned specialists in addiction and recovery and other offerings that make this journey that we are on more meaningful and more hopeful. We are also in the process of constructing a Web Site on GeoCities called HOTJ ~ Heavyweights on the Journey.

"To be nobody but myself,
in a world which is doing
its best night and day
to make me everybody else
means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight
and never stop fighting.
e. e. cummings

To post a message to the list, send e-mail to HOTJ@maelstrom.stjohns.edu.

To subscribe to the list, send a message to listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu. Leave the subject line of the message blank, and put "subscribe HOTJ" in the body of the message,followed by your name.

TO: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Message: subscribe HOTJ Jane Doe

To sign off the list, send a message to
Leave the subject line of the message blank, and put "signoff HOTJ" in the body of the message.

TO: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Message: Signoff HOTJ

IF YOU HAVE ANY TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, contact us at Recovery69@aol.com or . Please do not contact St. Johns University.

Please file this for future reference. Many have found it helpful to create a directory in their computer called HOTJ and keep important messages and shares in one place.

Again .... thanks for visiting our web site. If you know of anyone who needs us, just give them the address above. We are glad you're here. "What we could never do alone, we can do together."

One Day at a Time.
Members of the HOTJ Loop


Heavyweights on the Journey
A St. John's University ListServ

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