One Day at a Time


"And how shall you punish those whose remorse
is already greater than their misdeeds?"

Kahlil Gibran

We are not bad people trying to get good; rather, we are sick people trying to get well. It takes a long time for some people to believe this truth, we have been programmed, mostly by ourselves, to believe the worst about ourselves. Or, in self defense, to believe ourselves to be much better than others. This appears to be a common denominator in our disease; as a result we despise the person we perceive ourselves to be. Self abuse, self-hate, self-serving, each event draws us deeper into the abyss of remorse. We must stop believing lies about ourselves, the fact that we are here on Earth is proof that we belong, that we have the right, no, the obligation to be what we can be.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will honor and respect myself.

~Jeremiah ~

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