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"I have acid indigestion! Let's see. I can take this and risk getting a sore throat, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headaches, and dizziness, or I can take this one and only suffer from headaches and stomach cramps."

Side Effects 

by Kathleen A. Erickson

Wouldn't it be much simpler for the manufacturer to suggest to us, the consumer, to cut out the foods that give us indigestion? When you weigh the risks of attaining MANY worse symptoms by getting rid of the ONE problem that you have, it should be an easy answer. However, smart advertising, great commercials, and lots of heavily financed products, that are out in the market today, cause us to make the wrong decision. So, what should you do to combat against the acid crawling up your throat, the next time you have salsa on your eggs at breakfast? Try a calcium food supplement. Besides the benefits to your heart, muscles, bones, and headaches, a good calcium food supplement will help relieve the heartburn.

Diarrhea. Diarrhea. What a terrible subject, however there are so many sufferers of diarrhea that, well, we just have to have three to four commercials a night of different products that will stop the flow. But what about looking at the reason for the onslaught of stomach cramps, loose stools, etc. If your system is trying to get it out, you should let it. If it is too loose, increase the consumption of purified water, fiber, and a good nutrition-based diet. Never let diarrhea go unattended. The body has a way of healing itself, and ridding itself of toxins.

Toxins are in the air, they are in the chemicals we clean with, and they are in the foods we ingest. When the body needs to rid itself of them, it pushes the toxins out through the bowel system. But, when problems arise with the system, diarrhea occurs. If you reach for a product to stop diarrhea, besides the onslaught of other problems, you may be closing your mind to a telltale sign of things to come. Drink plenty of liquids, get rest, and get the fiber into your diet! As a driver in a car makes sure the gas is good quality, so should we make sure our intake is good quality. If the gas had water in it, you can bet the engine will just shut down. This should be applied to our bodies. When the proper nutrition is non-existent in our systems, it will surely shut down, beginning with small things, like diarrhea.

Eat a healthy diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy, and don't totally eliminate fat. Some fats are beneficial to our bodies. Drink plenty of pure water. If fast food is the only way you can make it on a hectic schedule, add food supplements to your daily life. These will give you the nutrients, both vitamins and minerals, that your system needs to run properly. Take caution, when purchasing these supplements, that you are getting the best product you can find. Again, like your car, when the repairs are needed, it is never cheap. Our bodies are finely tuned machines and break-downs are costly, besides painful.

Products should be harvested, produced, and sold by a single, leading manufacturer and one who promotes Wellness and not instant cures. They should be well established with published research and clinical studies backing up their products in credited medical journals. Also, they should back up their product with a 100% money-back guarantee for at least 30 days trial period if not more, since it usually takes 4-6 weeks for the body to settle into the new changes and see just how the product works for you. Check to make sure that the products are tested on humans and not animals. They should also have nutrition experts on staff who, along with physicians, do the research.

Make sure of the ingredients, are they balanced? Many nutrients can not be absorbed properly without the balancing counterpart nutrient. For example, a good B complex has 100% of the major B vitamins and must include Biotin and Folic Acid at 100%. If not, they are unbalanced and will not properly serve your body. Likewise, Iron is absorbed with the aid of Vitamin-C. Vitamin E needs selenium for absorption.

Are they grown and harvested properly, are they organic or synthesized. Synthesis of products that can be grown organically is the first sign of profit that a company looks for. You can not put a patent on food that is grown organically, therefore, you can not charge large swarms of money for the product.

In the end, we are the healers, rulers, and mechanics of our own wellness. What we put in, what we put on, etc. is all up to us. Wellness, a place where there are no little problems or miniscule daily bothers, and it is also a place where the only visits to the doctors are for wellness checkups, can only be achieved if we choose to have it. Get rid of the SIDE-EFFECTS, achieve Wellness. It feels much better!
