Domestic Abuse
Sandi's Page
Hostages at Home
-  Take the problem seriously - it will happen again.
-  Plan ahead for you and your family's safey.  There are domestic violence agencies to help you protect yourself and find shelter, food and clothing.
-  Have a safety plan.  Find a safe place for you and your family to go before you leave home.
-  Keep a list of emergency phone numbers with you.
-  Gather together important papers that you will need to take with you.
-  Set aside any money you can save or open a bank account in your name.
-  Call a court or legal advocate to get information about the laws that protect you or to request assistance in obtaining an order for protection.
-  Remember that you are not alone.  And no matter what anyone has told you, it's not your fault.
-  Pack a bag in advance and leave it with a friend or neighbor.  Remember extra clothes and toys for your children.
Local Community Resources
If you, or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, it is important that you access resources for help and support in your local community.  Prioritize the safety of yourself and your children first, and then seek help for relocation, job skills, and counseling.  The following are some examples of community resources geared at Interveining with domestic violence.
-- local rape crisis centers.
-- hospitals and emergency rooms.
-- local police.
-- community access legal clinics.
-- victim witness/witness protection programs.
What is abuse?
Questionnaire: Have you been abused?

Why they stay?

Safety Plan

Making the decision to leave

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Domestic Violence - Get the Facts

Cycle of Violence

PTSD/Depression and Domestic Violence

What do you Owe Yourself - Exercise in finding out who you are.

She Weeps Alone  - Poem by Barbara Blye

Seize the Day  - Poem by Clay Harrison

Please Just Listen - Poem by Ray Houghton

He sent me flowers - short story

Into the light - poem

Sandi's Story

Links to other sites on the Web
National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Domestic Violence Resources and Links
Depression Resources and Links
The Resource Center for Women
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Last updated: January 15, 2004
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