Season Light/SAD Homepage
A PROTO-FAQ for SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Text-only mirror site (e.g. for Lynx browsers):
Updated: January 2004
Contact: Lou Puls

1. The SAD FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ):

2. Bibliography of Magazine Articles

3. Bibliography of Books on Seasonal Light

4. Seasonal Light Products on the Market

5. Seasonal Light Organizations

6. Personal Anecdotal Experiences

7. Sample Letter for insurance company reimbursement

8. Further Seasonal Light and Mental Health Sources

9. Keyword Searches:

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Recent Updates, Feb 2005:

  1. In Seasonal Light/SAD Products on the Market
    Under Bright Lighting Manufacturers:
    Full Spectrum Solutions (04Apr01)
    The Litebook company (03Jan04)
    Healthlight Inc., new webpage link (05Apr01)
    Under Sunrise, Twilight Simulation Manufacturers:
    Alaska Northern Lights (09Nov01)

  2. In Seasonal Light Product Vendors:
    Light For Health [09Jun03]
    Light For Health: updated email and toll-free number [03Jan04]

  3. In Personal Anecdotal Experience:
    Jonathan's Dimmer: Kit Info Update
    Some Summer SAD Discussion (18Mar02)

  4. In Further Seasonal Light, SAD and Mental Health Sources:
    BPDWORLD, Borderline Personality Disorders (3Feb05)
    Dr. Rosenthal's website, latest book editions
    Catherine Benoit's The (20May01)

Contact: Lou Puls
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