Dear team members:


Enclosed you will find a lot of good information from your team.  Please review all pages. First will be the general information followed by the Executive Meeting Minutes which is the governing body that performs the bulk of the work to keep this team active with the National Disaster Medical System.

The last newsletter was Feb 2002.


The NDMS Conference April13-17, 2002 in Atlanta, Ga, was attended by:

Gary Lindbergh- Unit Commander, Bill Bishop-Dep UC, Connie Bowles, Admin, JoAnn Bishop-ARNP, Barb Goodwin- Sup Nurse, Joyce Mason- Sup Nurse, Rich Holdsworth-Logistics Officer, Joe Antle, RN, James Calamari-EMT.  A lot of good information, networking, and training was received.


The team was greatly saddened with the death of Bill Bishop, Deputy Unit Commander.  The family has expressed their appreciation for the support we provided during their loss.

The team is gathering funds to give to the Bishop Scholarship for his children Mackenzie and Sammy.  If you would like to donate please make your check out to FL 2 DMAT and mail to Connie Bowles, Admin 1153 SE 32nd Terrace, CC, FL 33904. 


AUGUST is FL 2 DMAT’s month for ONCALL!!!  Please get your uniforms, & gear readied incase we are deployed.


Please schedule yourself off for DEC 6,7,8 (Fri-Sat-Sun)!!!2002

We will be attending the annual Florida State DMAT Exercise-probably in Withlacooche, FL .  These weekends are always packed with informative lectures, exercises, networking, fun and games.  More details as times closes in



Many of you deployed to the WTC disaster (or possible another deployment) and still have your duffle bag and gear.  We need to gather these up to restock with new equipment. Call Rich Holdsworth- Logistics- 941- 764-1393, or RAHolds@aol.com with the information!!!!


NDMS has tightened up the requirements to stay active with each DMAT team.  Many of you have already received this information and have needed to update paperwork, ID’s etc. The big push right now is immunizations.  This info went out in emails but will be reprint here for reference and for those without email addresses.






Dear Team Members

To be considered eligible for deployment, all FL 2 DMAT members must have the following immunizations or a record of recent titers indicating protection from the disease.

 Provisions will be made for  personnel to receive the mandatory periodic immunizations.



  1. Polio Vaccine
  2. Chickenpox
  3. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  4. Tetanus
  5. Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD)
  6. Hepatitis A

Healthcare providers and others who may be in contact with patients or patient remains will also need


Hepatitis B



Please send proof of either immunization or titer by July 12, 2002 to:



Barb Goodwin                                                                         Joyce Mason

Supervisory Clinical Nurse                                                        Supervisory Clinical Nurse

FL 2 DMAT                                           OR                           FL 2 DMAT

13254 Broadhurst Loop                                                           13711 Raleigh Lane

Ft. Myers, FL 33919-8114                                                      Ft Myers, FL 33919-8114 


If you are unable to provide the requested information or have any questions please contact Barb BEGEBE@AOL.COM, PHONE: 481-5706 BEEPER: 335-5177 OR me JOYCETMASON@MINDSPRING.COM PHONE: 433-5784 BEEPER: 338-4048

Any member not current in immunizations as specified above will not be authorized to deploy.  Immunizations will be completed by SEPT 30, 2002.!!!

No exceptions. This is for our own protection and NDMS will pay for these injections-do not get them on your own as the team will provide dates and times to get them free.


NDMS OnLine Training:

Please start working on your training modules.

To access training modules on the internet go to http://ndms.umbc.edu/instructions.asp.



Enter the first letter of your first name and first letter of last name and the last four numbers of your social security number.

Use this as your USERNAME and PASSWORD.

A course list will come up for NDMS TRAINING PROGRAM –MEDICAL

To access the lectures you must have APPLE QUICKTIME on your computer.  If you don’t have QUICKTIME installed you can download it for free from






The team t shirts need to be purchased prior to being called up for deployment.  The t shirts are $8.00 each –it is mandatory that you purchase at least 2.  The long sleeve Navy Blue T Shirt is 10.00 (it has our logo over the left breast area).  The navy blue sweat shirt, long sleeves with logo is $15.00.  Barb Goodwin-home ph 239-481-5706 is your contact person and you must pay before the order goes in.  The black boots and tan utility belt can be purchased at any store or Army/Navy outlet along with your uniforms.  Belt buckle that is steel versus brass is preferred since you will not have to polish it.  The NDMS patch is free- call Judy 239-945-2128.  We are presently in the process of getting new flags and updated Team patches- we will let you know when they are in so you can purchase them from the team.    

Alpa numeric pagers are mandatory for membership.  When you get your pager send the number to Connie 239-549-7893-Admin and Mike Gorgas-Communication Specialist- 239-574-2962.

Also please remember to keep me- Connie- informed of any changes: address, phone, email etc .  How else will we be able to contact you for deployments, training and exercises!!!


CLBOWLES@AOL.COM.  This way it saves time, money and you get the info quickly.


The Executive Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7 PM at Lee County American Red Cross Building:

2516 Colonial Blvd. Ft Myers (Bldg shared with AAA) second floor.

We encourage anyone who wants to become more involved with the team to attend these meetings and join a committee. If you plan to attend one of these meetings please call Connie and RSVP in case the date and time is changed.


Please remember to promote our team to friends and co-workers and interest them in joining.  They may call Judy for orientation information ph 239-945-2128.

Remember to visit our website    WWW.FL2DMAT.ORG


Please note: everyone needs to know the location of our warehouse facility.  Bill Vernay American Van Lines.  This is where the team will meet and deploy from. During our busiest times of trying to get deployed  calling for directions will only tie up the executive phone lines.  Take a test run to reduce your anxiety in finding it.

Bill Verney American Van Lines

5674 Enterprise Pkway

Ft Myers, exit 24 off 1-75.






Dues Dues Dues

$20.00 annually and due in Jan.  (many of you are sooooooo late)…Please remit to Connie-make check out to FL 2 DMAT

1153 SE 32nd Terrace CC FL 33904.

Only members who have paid will be allowed to deploy.



FL 2 DMAT    Executive Meeting

ARC Building,   Ft Myers, Fl

May 13, 2002


The meeting was called to order by Gary Lindbergh, Unit Commander @ 1910.


Present:  Gary Lindbergh, Mike Gorgas, Connie Bowles, Bruce Gottschalk, Julie Kszych, Chuck Shughrue, Barb Goodwin, Robert Hendrickson, Rich Holdsworth, Joy Block, Robin Spencer, Peter Lugo, Jose Rivera, Joyce Mason


You made it through the whole newsletter- good for-you now get to work and keep in touch with your team….

Please keep in touch and be “Ready For The Call”.

Connie Bowles, RN



fax 239-549-0704

pager 239-335-8860























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