The beginning of Kung Ju was as any other art... Unexpected. The participants learned the essence of TAO without knowing where it could lead...


the birth of the mongoose way. Everything that was taught was learned. What was not taught was attacked as a mongoose attacks a snake...the hard way.

The core of the movement...

Carl & Terrion flower-boxing in Kung Fu...

Carl & Eurwin flowing thru freeforms of Kung Fu...

Carl, Terrion & Eurwin after a glorious day of Judo tournament play in Belleville, IL..Carl earned his brown belt by beating a black belt, and tearing into a few brown belts..Eurwin also fought higher ranking Judokas. Thus, the crowd began to call them "The Giant-Killers" of M.A.S. Eurwin and Carl were pitted for 2nd place in one match... It was a duel of mutual respect.

The Mongoose way continues...

..along the path of self-realization...

Stay at Peace.

Illustrations courtesy of The Mongoose School of Kung Ju

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