On the subject of impotency, two of the hottest topics around are MUSE and Caverject. Now that both have been on the market for a number of months we are getting more and more feedback on both. While some people are pleased with these products, others, are not. Here are a few comments from recent messages: From Dr. Joe Garcia-SYSOP >> After using Muse for awhile I think it was overrated and hyped !!! In my opinion it has not lived up to it's promise. Frankly I many times times find I have to boost the effect with an injectable. It only seems to work when you have a natural erection and you need it a little boost. It is expensive and in my opinion does not do the job....... Caverject has also drawbacks, the needle, pain, unreliable results and cost<< From Craig King >>I agree that Caverject does have it's drawbacks. The needle does not seem to be the smallest diameter, and does not seem to be very sharp in my opinion. I went back to my pharmacy ...and (bought) a box of B + D 1cc insulin syringes to use in place of the syringe that is included in the Caverject kit<< Craig has been using another injectable for some time now and is VERY pleased with the results. He has uploaded a library file called Prosglan.txt in Library 12 that you should check out if you would like more info. It is a graphic and frank file explaining how he uses an injectable called Prostaglandin 1E and how well it has worked for him. And now from me....comments about MUSE from the SO (Significant Other) point of view Forgetting the expense (which would be real hard to forget if we didn't have insurance that covered all but a $10 deductible).....the pain and discomfort that came along with MUSE has caused us to keep looking for other avenues of help. Nothing is worth the how terrible my husband felt for many hours afterwards. Hours after testing different strengths in the Urologists office Neil sufferred from dizzyness (from all strengths but the lowest dosage) and discomfort (lower dosages) or pain (500 mg and above) At first we both thought maybe the dizzyness was from nerves, but finally ruled that out. And as for pain and/or discomfort....well, it would have been more than worth it to both of us if Neil felt "only" some discomfort afterwards...but the low dosages didn't help, and the higher ones were only somewhat helpful but caused pain hours afterwards.