Dr.Joe's Data Base
Miracle of Well Being
" An excellent approach to Sexual Rejuvenation"
In today's high stressed world, we often find ourselves unable to
perform in life as we once did. This applies to all aspects of life.
One of the most frustrating area is sexual expression, with the
result being an inability to perform. The causes go beyond simple
stress. In some instances it is the result of improper foods, or
there is poor circulation. Others may deal with illness, some with
side effects from medication and some suffer from psychological
causes. There is a possibility that some forms of impotence are not
psychologically based or due to any waning of one's glandular
manhood, but may simply be the result of increased serotonin levels
in the brain. Conversely, substances which inhibit serotonin are
likely to have an apparent beneficial influence. This response,
however, is in fact the natural sex chemistry of the body being
liberated pharmaceutically from the blockage of the serotonin.
There is an herb that has been in use for centuries to assist man in
maintaining his Nature. This herb is called "YOHIMBE" the inner bark
of the tropical West African tree Corynanthe Yohimbe. Yohimbe bark
has long been known to the natives of West Africa as an Effective
Rejuvenator. "It does increase libido, but its primary action is to
increase blood flow to erectile tissue."(10)
10- Michael T. Murray, ND, Herbs and Male Health; GAIA Symtom
Proceedings on Naturopathic Herbal Medicne; 1993: page 94-95.
Yohimbe (Corynanthe or Pausinyatalia yohimbe) is an herb originally
from South Africa. It has become popular due to its reputation it has
gained as a strong aphrodisiac although experts agree on its strong
effects on male potency there is a disagreement on its use in female
impotency.(1) It is generally recognized that Suma works well in this
area for the Female. The bark of the Yohimbe tropical tree has been
smoked, rubbed on the body, ingested and sniffed, all because of its
effect on sexual interest and performance. The bark has long been
valued as an aphrodisiac. The plant yields yohimbine, which in the
form of an alkaloid salt, yohimbine hydrochloride, has been used in
prescription drugs in the United States for erectile dysfunction. As
can be noted in all literature, it does increase libido, but its
primary action is to increase blood flow to erectile tissue. Contrary
to a popular misconception, yohimbe has no effects on testosterone
levels but it has a similar stimulant effect on male potency to
When used alone, yohimbe is successful in 34-43% of cases. If
combined with strychnine and testosterone it is much more effective.
The Dosage of Yohimbe is based upon yohimbine content (average is 6%)
The Standard dosage for Yohimbine HCL is 5.4mg three times daily.
However, side effects often make anxiety, panic attacks, and
hallucinations in some individuals. Other side effects include
elevations in blood pressure and heart rate, dizziness, headache, and
skin flushing. Yohimbe should not be used in individuals with kidney
disease, high blood pressure, or individuals with psychological
disturbances. Yohimbine should never be taken at the same time as
food or substances containing Tyramine which is one kind of amino
acids. Food high in Tyramine includes liver, cheese, and red wine as
should certain diet aids and decongestants.
Rx for Health® Product Sources " Yohimbe Plus"
Yohimbe 5mg.
Testicle Powder 25 mg.
Damiana Leaves 50 mg.
Vitamin E. Acetate 200 mg.
Royal Jelly 100 mcg.
Ginseng 50 mg.
Glutamic Acid 50mg.
Yohimbe plus combines with Yohimbe those ingredients that are reputed
to best increase potency, virility and energy.
The additive Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiac) can be recognized by its
scientific name as a strong aphrodisiac.
Testicle powder provides some testosterone.
Vitamine E is called the reproductive vitamin since it is known that
animal can not reproduce when it is taken out of their diet.
Royal Jelly is used by athletes because of its ability to boost
performance, endurance and strength.
Ginseng is the major potency and sexual strengthened of Asia and is
also recognized as a general increase in stamina and energy.
Glutamic Acid is the amino acid included in a recent study of the
swelling of the prostate occured in 90% of the subjects taking this
amino acid.(2)
There is no report on side effects using our Yohimbe plus formula.
The thing that makes Rx for Health's Yohimbe Plus different and
effective is its super potent formula.
The safety herb has been recommended for any impotency is "MUIRA
Muira Puama
(Ptychopetalum olacoides)
Muira Puama, a.k.a. potency wood (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is a shrub
native to Brazil that has long been used as a powerful aphrodisiac
and nerve stimulant in folk medicine. A recent study has validated
its safety and effectiveness in improving libido and sexual functions
in human beings.
At the institute of Sexology in Paris, France, a clinical study with
262 patients complaining of lack of sexual desire, and the ability to
attain or maintain an erection demonstrated at a daily dose of 1 to
1.5 grams of Muira Puama extract (4:1) to be effective in many cases.
Within two weeks, 67% of patients with loss of libido claimed that
the treatment had dynamic effect while 51% of patients with "erection
failures" felt that Muira Puama was of benefit.
Presently, the mechanism of action of Muira puama is unknown. Future
research will undoubtedly shed additional light on this extremely
promising herb for impotence,
1)The Little Herb Encyclopedia by Jack Ritchason M.D. and Physicians
Desk Reference published by Medical Economics Data.
2) Amazing Medicine-The Drug Companies by University Medical Research
Publishers, Tempe, AZ.
3)Herbs and Male Health, researched by the institute of Sexology is
Paris, France.
Rx for Health®, Product Sources
Yohimbe diet supplement tablets bottle of 100's at $10.95 US funds
is available now from "GLOBAL SOURCE". For more information of this
product and Muira Puama, please contact our office at (954)921-0006,
extension 22, or fax your inquiry to (954)921-6366. Or you may E-Mail
Global at Global@shadow.net
Thank you.
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