Brain GymŪ Dancing Bears
Last updated on 6 March 20067
Welcome! You have reached the homepage of Barbara Aigen!
My email address is
Please look around this site to see my areas of alternative healing and personal interests.
Upcoming Brain GymŪ lectures, classes, and events:
1. My next Brain GymŪ 101 class is scheduled for 20-22 April 2007 (Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday). The 3-day class will take place in Barb's Studio in Annandale, VA. Please contact me if you are interested in attending.

2. I will give a presentation to the Springfield Art Guild on "How to stay with the big picture, while attending to details, using Brain Gym".
Brain GymŪ is the registered trademark of Educational Kinesiology Foundation.  Barbara Aigen is a founding member of Kinesthetic Learning, Inc. a local non-profit organization of Brain GymŪ instructors from the Greater Washington, DC area.  For more information call (703) 978-7831.
New contents recently posted on my webpage and other exciting things:
Started uploading completed artwork.  Click Here to view.
Made webpage for first day cover artwork.  Click Here to view.
Granddaughter Kathryn McGuire Lucia made her grand entrance into the world on 7 August 2006.   Click picture to enlarge.
Professional & Healing Arts:
Resume Brain GymŪ Brain Organization Profiles Healing Touch International Care & Support of Stroke Survivors
Gary Null's Natural Living Homepage American Holistic Nurses Association Myofascial Release Article on Dancing Reducing Dementia Trigger Point Release
Vitamins for Health and Healing Brain Injury Association
Brain Injury Resource Center
A Short History of Medicine Brain Gym Class featured in FOCUS Magazine
Personal Stuff:
Michael Lucia's Photography James and Elliott Lucia's Photos        in Yahoo
Tribute to 9-11-01
Family Photos John Calvin Presbyterian Church
Rick Steves "Through the Back Door"
Original Stories American Sign Language
A Basic Guide
Cassidy Memorial  Tribute Page
I would really like to hear from you!! So please sign my guestbook   and then you can either view the New Guestbookor view the Archived Guestbook  later on, if you like. I added the guestbook to survey who has seen my web page (unfortunately starting only after visitor 1,000) and to solicit comments about my the Web Site or anything else that you care to talk about. Also, please email me if you find any broken links, to  let me know any other comments that you may not want "published" or to just say "Howdy". Have a good day!