cropped from photos
by Mimi Kamp
Therapeutic Uses:
When in doubt Arnica! It is homeopathy's "Miracle Remedy" in
any injury or accident, or acute trauma, surgery, dental work, chiropractic
adjustment. Fatigue and exhaustion after any physical exertion. Arnica
is called the "Sportsman's Remedy". Make sure to have at least
a 30c potency.
Caused by and originating from any physical situation, with physical and
emotional memories of the past shock of accidents and injuries. Mental
trauma from physical trauma. People affected by an injury years before,
and the continuing symptoms since. Mental trauma and the ailments originating
from shock. Deeply wounded and re-lives the horrors of an accident and
injury. Ailments from the rage and fury caused by rape, or physical abuse
and injury.
Anxiety and panic from fear or fright, in any physical situation;
originating from shock of accidents and overexertion, with a bruised or
numb state. Fear of others coming too close, or surgery, and of being hurt
again. Cannot bear anything penetrating their body. Feeling wounded, indifference,
and wants to let alone. Agoraphobia in crowds and public places.
Caused by exertion or speaking, with oppressed breathing and shooting pains
in chest. In those with fatty degeneration of the heart.
Back Problems:
First remedy at onset of backache; back feels bruised or beaten.
- Pain from injury, over-tiredness, physical exertion, and strain.
Bruised back and aching limbs.
- Neck stiffness from sudden movement or exertion, and occiput
pain. From general weakness especially in the elderly, better lying down
and worse from motion, touch, and damp cold.
- Chiropractic and Shiatsu Therapy- Excellent to help hold the
adjustments and prevent shock to the system. [Take 30c-200c just before
and right after.]
Emergencies and First Aid:
Until medical help arrives to prevent death caused by injuries, asphyxia,
asphyxia in newborn babies, and convulsions after drugs. [give highest
potency available every 20 minutes.]
- Dentist, Doctor, Surgery, Childbirth- Before and after any of
these procedures take 30c, and continue if necessary for pain and healing
of tissue.
Herpes Virus:
Shingles- that comes on after an accident or trauma.
Injury, Accidents, Shock
and Traumas:
Experienced during athletic sports or any other physical activity. Pain-
aches and soreness, and feels bruised or beaten. Swelling from injury.
Shock to the whole system after traumatic injury; 1st remedy given in accidents
and injury (especially traumatic).
- Birth Trauma- from any injury or forceps during delivery.
- Blows- injuries from blows, including from blunt instruments
causing hemorrhage; blows to the base of spine (followed with Hypericum
- Bruises- of soft sensitive parts of flesh or muscle; black and
blue marks (it repairs damaged blood vessels and reduces swelling); nosebleeds
caused by a blow to nose.
- Eye Injuries- black-eye; cerebral and eye hemorrhage; eyestrain
with ciliary muscles tired from looking into distance for too long; vision
floaters after an accident; 1st symptoms of retinal vein occlusion.
- Fractures- broken bones and after bone is set.
- Head Injuries- concussion, contusion, unconscious; headache
from shock or injury; memory loss caused by a head injury; meningitis-
in which the symptoms start after a head injury.
- Herniated Disc- Immediately take Arnica 30c or higher and alternate
with Ruta 6c.
- Puncture Wounds- take Arnica 1st if Ledum is not handy, then
follow with Ledum 30c.
- Sprains- painful; particularly wrists and ankles; with bruising;
from over-exertion; worse from warmth and reclining; also alternate with
- Sports- injuries and weakness while and after playing sports,
work-outs or exercising.
Joints, Muscle and Nerve Problems:
Strains- of muscles and tendons from lifting; wrenched muscle; soreness
in muscles from fatigue.
Neuritis- from traumatic inflammation.
- Arthritis- as a result of a previous injury, with bruised pain
and stiffness. Rheumatism in muscular and intercostal arthritis.
- Joint Dislocation- initial pain and trauma, use before, during
and after medical attention to relocate the extremity into the joint; of
knee, wrist and jaw.
- Repetitive Stress Injury- acute cases to prevent RSI caused
by straining and violent motion.
- Sciatica- comes on as a result of and after an injury; begins
in the pneumogastric nerve.
- TMJ- in an acute isolated case of, and to prevent an aggravation
of TMJ dental work.
Sleep Problems:
Insomnia- with aching pains, and the bed feels too hard to lie on it.
Pre-op: before procedure to reduce pain bruising and hemorrhaging,
take 1M or just before and right after surgery then followed by 200c and
then 30c for recuperation period.
- Pain- is with a heavy bruised sensation. Ailments from a catheter
or forceps at childbirth for mother and child; and before childbirth.
- Dental- alternate Arnica and Hypericum before, during and after
tooth extraction, root canal, and fillings.
Travel and Motion Problems:
Does not travel well, feels awful flying, sick in a train, travel fatigue.
- Jet Lag- with physical exhaustion, cramps, and possible nosebleeds.
- Altitude Sickness with fatigue and exhaustion after physical
are the very important modifying influences and circumstances which
aggravate (make worse), or ameliorate (make better) the person and their
Arnica Modalities:
Worse from < Motion, overexertion; least touch, jar; rest,
hard bed; damp, cold, hot; evening, night, before midnight; sneezing;
right-side; wine.
Better from > Lying down, and with head low; open air,
clear cold, stimulating weather; contact.
The remedy interactions
Arnica Montana [ARN]
IGN, IP; coffee.
It antidotes: ALL-C, AM-C, HAM, CHIN, CIC, FERR, IGN, IP, PHYS,
Compatible with: ARS, HEP, HYPER, RUTA.
Incompatible with: wine, coffee, alcohol.
(see a homeopathic Materia Medica
to find the full remedy names for these remedy abbreviations.)
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