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Remarks and a remedy for Skin Problems

Skin Care and the Problem of Poisons * Alternatives to Poisons 
New Developments for Skin Care: Boevnite®

Treating skin problems: Graphites as an example

Therapeutic Uses * Tendencies * Skin Problems * Unhealthy Skin * Acne * Cracks
Finger Nails * Dermatitis * Eczema * Psoriasis * Itching * Poison Ivy & Oak
Dandruff * Scars * Sebaceous Cyst * Sensations

Modalites * Remedy Interations



Treating Skin Problems:

These are the very important modifying influences and circumstances with aggravate (make worse), or ameliorate (make better) the person and their symptoms:

Graphites Modalities:

Worse from < Cold, and damp conditions; night, before midnight, on waking; warmth of bed; wet feet; during and after menses; menopause; suppression of skin eruptions with steroids; scratching; left-side; empty swallowing; sweets, seafood, vinegar, fats, pork, hot drinks.

Better from > Open fresh air, wrapping up warmly; in the dark; resting; night; belching; after eating, warm food and drink, warm milk, milk, wine

The remedy interactions
for Graphites [GRAPH]:

Is Antidoted by: ACON, ARS, CAMPH, CHIN, NUX-V.

Incompatible with: RHUS-T, wine.

It antidotes: ARS-I, RHUS-T. Is Compatible with: LYC.

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