free money mind cash report

Introduction / Money Myths / The Basic Rule / Money Mind Lists / Summary

Many  people act as if rich or cash are four letter words.  We hear expressions such as stinking rich or filthy rich quite often in our daily lives.  Perhaps you believe that money is the root of all evil and have heard that rich people are by nature, unhappier than the average person... Well, until you feel comfortable with the idea of having lots of money, you're unlikely to create abundant money in your life...

Perhaps you were brought up in a household that was always short of money, and learned that the more money you have, the less someone else must  have.  And of course there aren't as many opportunities any more.  And money doesn't grow on trees. Anyway only  the well educated can become rich, and the richer you are the less loved you are. And you can't get paid for doing what you enjoy doing, and besides, rich people don't go to heaven!

If you feel comfortable with these ideas, you  have gradually closed  your  mind  to money over the years. You see, the fundamental  problem,  is not that you want too much,  it's that you want too little. Financial and spiritual  richness  is generated by mental and physical forces.

To become prosperous you must first open your mind to money and this program will help you do just that!

You can open your mind to money. A lot or a little. As Henry Ford said:  Whether you think you can,  or you think you can't,  you're right. The choice is yours. You see,  working  hard has nothing to do with becoming rich.  In as you've probably realised by now,  often the people that work the hardest earn the least!

As you may be aware, my personal goal is to help end starvation by 2001. To this end, I'm raising money for World Vision via my MINDWAVE internet project. Yet I don't believe it's just about sharing what we have, what I believe is just as crucial, is to understand the forces that generate prosperity!

Perhaps you've had it drummed into you that poverty is spiritual? Well, did you know that many of the great spiritual leaders written about  in the bible were millionaires? I sure didn't! Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were all millionaires. Abraham, to quote genesis, "was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold."

More myths about rich people today...

Firstly the often used phrase,  money is the root of all evil, is actually a misquote. The correct quotation is, the love of money is  the root of all evil. Again in the bible, Jesus Christ gave lavish  praise  to king Solomon, and with all his many servants mansions and chariots, he was the richest man on earth. If Christ didn't have any hang-ups about rich people, why should we?

In fact very often, prosperity is necessary for spiritual growth in  that  it gives you more time and energy to concern  yourself with helping others and more time to grow spiritually, rather than worrying about how to pay last month's phone bill!

India as a nation, still has a huge hang-up with money, and as a result is going backwards as a nation. Taiwan and Korea, on the other hand have both embraced the concept that the more money the better, and their economies are among the fastest growing in the world!

There are more ways to make money than ever before!

And wouldn't you be happier if you didn't have to worry about bills any more?  Of course!  Poor people are so caught up in their present problems that they often have no time to think or plan ahead. The myth that rich people are somehow miserable with their lives is borne out of a mix of jealousy and envy. And what about the idea that there aren't any opportunities to become rich  any more?  People have been complaining about this fact from the 1930's! I am telling you, right now there are staggering numbers of opportunities. In fact more people are becoming millionaires at the moment then at any other time in our history.

Hundreds of thousands of people who aren't even born yet will  be millionaires in the future. And if they aren't even around yet, that means you've got a head start!

The basic rule of mind and money is:

Direct the power of your mind to being prosperous as you can prosper
regardless of what those people around you are saying and doing! 

Rich is also relative! I'm sure a  starving  child in Africa would say you are rich beyond  their dreams!  On the other hand, I read that Michael Jackson once signed a contract with Sony for one billion dollars. His younger  sister Janet, bombed out in comparison, and only signed a deal worth sixty million! Heavyweight  boxers regularly measure their earnings in  millions of dollars per minute in the ring.

Billions and billions of dollars change hand every day. Are you getting your share? You see, money is a little like the ocean...

Whether you take a drop or a bucketful is up to you!

To start opening your mind to money, I want you create three lists.

  3. YOUR GRATITUDE LIST recognising what you are thankful for!

VANISH LIST is one to help rid yourself of the unnecessary. For example you may choose to rid  yourself of: two hours of television a day; cigarettes if you smoke; poor health; clothes that no longer fit any habits you aren't proud of and so on. This list can be as long or as short as you choose.  (It's a little like mental and physical spring cleaning...)

I will make the following vanish from my life...


DREAM LIST details what you want in your life. Let your imagination run wild! If you would like a holiday in Hawaii write it down. A new car?  Sure, jot it down too. A new house, four floors high, with views of  the mountains... Go ahead whatever you want!  You'll use as much ink (or keystrokes!) jotting down the mundane as you will the sensational!

I am dreaming of...


Then once you have written these two lists write in bold text underneath them...

This or something better!

GRATITUDE LIST is perhaps the most important of all, because no matter how much money you end up creating for yourself, happiness and success is ultimately a state of mind...

All too often people fail to appreciate and acknowledge their possessions, situations and people in their lives. This list will probably be your longest list as you write down you are thankful for your: health, relatives, opportunities, and abilities. Most people take life for granted until events dictate otherwise. I too was the same until I was nearly killed in a car  accident... Don't  for  example, spend your health to get  your  wealth,  to eventually spent your wealth to get your health...

In part two of this program you'll be shown exactly how to  write down goals and develop an action plan, but for the moment this is all the writing you need do.

I am grateful for...


It's not what you know, but what you do in life that counts. Even if you are enjoying these ideas, they are worth little until you act on them! So please print these pages and complete your money mind lists.

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