this week - your mind user guide

. Intro | 3 Brains | Kids vs. Adults | Time Shift |

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processes data as

Chloe 9k

Have you ever wanted to unlock the brainpower you once had? The sort of learning abilities that you once had as a young child... Some theorists say we learn more during the first five years of our life than we do for the next fifty; as we progressively use less of our three "thinking brains".

To find out where your three "thinking brains" are, place your forefingers under each earlobe. The part of your brain between your fingers is the non-thinker autopilot brain-stem, which is responsible for basic life support such as breathing and respiration. Now place your fingers on top of your ears. This part of your thinking brain is the limbic system, which tends to be responsible for our emotional and survival behaviours. This brain houses the four "f areas"; fighting fear, feeding and sexual reproduction.

If you were to now place your forefingers on top your head (like antennas) you would locate the left and right thinking hemispheres of your neo-cortex. While both hemispheres are in constant communication, for most people the left hemisphere is responsible for; language, analysis, counting, reading, writing, talking, logic, thinking one thought at a time and controlling the right side of the body. The right hemisphere is non-verbal, (intuitive) visual, creative, spatial, musical, thinks thoughts simultaneously and operates the left side of the body. Whilst it's often called 'grey matter' a living brain is actually colored pink by blood. My hand shows the actual size of the right side of your brain.

Unfortunately, there is an ever-increasing emphasis on teaching the "left-brain" 3R skills of reading 'riting 'rithmetic rather than 'whole-brain' thinking. As young children we were fascinated and excited by learning, and as a result, we used more of our limbic system. (It's easy to remember what you enjoy and are emotionally involved with.) We were also much more: imaginative; musical; curious; and visual; -all right brain functions.

While adults tend to contemplate life via symbols such as numbers and letters, young children contemplate "reality". If I initially mention "four" or "cat" to my adult students, they usually process it as "4 or four" and the word "cat". A young child would think of "::" and an image of a cat. As our memories are predominantly visual, it's natural that sixty per cent of young children have memories that are almost eidetic or "photographic". Unfortunately, through lack of stimulation, only about ten per cent of adults have a similar memory capability!

Most young children learn rapidly, with a sense of excitement and whole brain stimulation. The early school years are facilitated by: art; rhymes; music; and picture books. Then as the "right-brain" becomes increasingly dormant, often the only time we engage in right-brain thinking is when we are distracted by "innermusic" and day-dreams. top

At night, when the sun has set and the stars come out, we become right-brain dominant and experience hours of creative visual thinking.

Upon waking, as the stars fade, our bossy verbal left brain takes over, shuts down our right-brain, we forget our dreams, and lose our ability to generate visual imagery and have flashes of inspiration. Interestingly, ninety-five per cent of scientific breakthroughs occur when people have access to their creative right-brain thinking. Einstein, for example, trusted and applied his imagination to every discovery he made. After freeing his right-brain to daydream, he would then use the maths of this left-brain to prove true the theories he had "imagined" when relaxed!

You may be familiar with Newton discovering "gravity" while sitting under a tree with his apple, or Archimedes jumping out of his bathtub yelling "Eureka!", having solved another complex problem. No doubt you've occasionally been brilliant while dozing, under the shower, or on the toilet, only to lose that inspirational thought as your judgmental left-brain re-asserts itself. Quite soon you'll be able to be creative and experience flashes of inspiration during the day. Also, you will soon have the "guts" to go with your gut feelings or right-brain thinking!

coming soon - how to switch on your brain So remember to come back soon to mindwave to discover how to switch on your brain!

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