Gross and microscopic findings
The uterus weighed 70 g and measured 8 x 4.5 x 3 cm. The tall endometrium measured up to 8 mm in heigth, the myometrium was 1,4 cm thick, the cut surface appeared mottled.  There were retrocervical adhesions. The atrophic ovary measured 4.5 cm in greatest diameter  and was firmely adherent to the Fallopian tube,  which was 6 cm long and narrow, with intact fimbria.
On microscopic examination the uterine cervix appeared normal for the age of the patient. The endometrium showed simple hyperplasia with polyp formation (Fig. 1). The myometrium contained groups of endometrial glands surrounded by stroma representing foci of adenomyosis (Fig. 2). Similar foci could be detected in the retrocervical tissue representing a retrocervical endometriosis (Fig. 3). The mucosal epithelium of the tube was tall and proliferative representing active estrogenic stimulation. The inactive atrophic ovary was entrapped in broad adhesions which contained groups of proliferating endometrial glands and stroma with old and fresh haemorrhages.
