II. Originalarbeiten und Fallbeschreibungen

1.  Schmidt, D., Radzun, H. J., Schwarze, E. W., Stein, H., Parwaresch, M.R.: Activity and isoenzymes of acid phosphatase in human B cell lymphomas of low grade malignancy: A novel aid in the classification of malignant lymphoma. Cancer 46: 2676    2681 (1980)

2.  Radzun, H.J., Schmidt, D., Parwaresch, M.R.: Enzyme polymorphism in the classification of human malignant lymphoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 101: 53   57 (1981)

3.  Schmidt, D., Mackay, B., Luna, M.A., Goepfert, H.: Aggressive meningioma with jugular vein extension. Case report with ultrastructural observations. Arch Otolaryngol 107: 635   637 (1981)

4.  Schmidt, D., Mackay, B., Sinkovics, J.G.: Quarterly case. Retroperitoneal tumor with vertebral metastasis in a 25 year  old female. Ultrastr Pathol 2: 383   388 (1981)

5.  Schmidt, D., Dickersin, G.R., Vawter, G.F., Mackay, B., Harms, D.: Wilms' tumor: Review of ultrastructure and histogenesis. Pathol Ann 12: 281   300 (1982)

6.  Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Zieger, G.: Malignant rhabdoid tumor of the kidney. Histopathology, ultrastructure and comments on differential diagnosis. Virchows Arch (Pathol Anat) 398: 101   108 (1982)

7.  Schmidt, D., Mackay, B.: Hypothesis. Ultrastructure of human tendon sheath and synovium: Implications for tumor histogenesis. Ultrastr Pathol 3: 269   283 (1982)

8.  Schmidt, D., Mackay, B., Ayala, A.G.: Ewing's sarcoma with neuroblastoma like features. Ultrastr Pathol 3: 143   151 (1982)

9.  Schmidt, D., Mackay, B., Osborne, B.M., Jaffe, N.: The quarterly case. Recurring congenital lesion of the cheek. Ultrastr Pathol 3: 85   90 (1982)

10. Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: Histologie und Prognose des Nephroblastoms unter Berücksichtigung der Sondervarianten. Klin Pädiatr 195: 214   221 (1983)

11. Blauth, M., Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Blauth, W.: Light  und electron microscopic studies in congenital pseudarthrosis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 103: 269   277 (1984)

12. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Lehner Geisser, M.: Cellular congenital mesoblastic nephroma in a newborn. Pathol Res Pract 179: 242   249 (1984)

13. Feller, A.C., Schneider, H., Schmidt, D., Parwaresch, M.R.: Myofibroblast as a major cellular constituent of villous stroma in human placenta. Placenta 6: 405   415 (1985)

14. Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Treuner, J.: Soft tissue sarcomas in childhood. A study of 262 cases including 169 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma. Z Kinderchir 40: 140   145 (1985)

15. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Burdach, S.: Malignant peripheral neuroectodermal tumours of childhood and adolescence. Virchows Arch (Pathol Anat) 406: 351   365 (1985)

16. Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: Fibromatosis of infancy and childhood. Histology, ultrastructure and clinico pathologic correlation. Z Kinderchir 40: 40   46 (1985)

17. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Evers, K.G., Bliesener, J.A., Beckwith, J.B.: Bone metastasizing renal tumor (clear cell sarcoma) of childhood with epithelioid elements. Cancer 56: 609   613 (1985)

18. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Lang, W.: Primary malignant hepatic tumours in childhood. Virchows Arch (Pathol Anat) 407: 387   405 (1985)

19. Schmidt, D., Keil, W., Harms, D.: Neuron specific enolase, protein S 100, neurofilaments, glial fibrillary acid protein and vimentin as markers of cytodifferentiation in neuroblastoma. Progr Surg Pathol VIII: 33   39 (1988)

20. Schmidt, D., Reimann, O., Harms, D., Treuner, J.: Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma   Cellular differentiation and prognosis: A report from the Cooperative Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study 1981 (CWS 81). Virchows Arch (Pathol Anat) 409: 183   194 (1986)

21. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Reimann, O., Treuner, J.: Rhabdomyosarkom: Morphologie und zelluläre Differenzierung. Klin Pädiatr 198: 202   207 (1986)

22. Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Maligne (solide) Tumoren bei Kindern   pathologische Anatomie. GBK Mitteilungsdienst 47: 11   18 (1985)

23. Büsch, H. G., Schmidt, D.: Diffuser Riesenzelltumor der Synovialis am distalen Unterschenkel. Zentrobl Chirurgie 111: 269   271 (1986)

24. Suder, J., Stienen, U., Kaatsch, P., Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Spaar, H. J., Treuner, J.: Analyse prognostischer Faktoren beim Rhabdomyosarkom. Vorläufige univariate und multivariate Ergebnisse der cooperativen Weichteilsarkomstudie (CWS 81). Klin Pädiatr 198: 218   223 (1986)

25. Schmidt, D., Wiedemann, B., Keil, W., Sprenger, E., Harms, D.: Flow cytometric analysis of nephroblastomas and related neoplasms. Cancer 58: 2494   2500 (1986)

26. Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: Epithelioid sarcoma in children and adolescents. An immunohistochemical study. Virchows Arch (Pathol Anat) 410: 423   431 (1987)

27. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Pilon, V.A.: Small cell pediatric tumors: Histology, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy. In: Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Tumors. Bruce Mackay (Ed.) Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, Vol 7 (No. 1) (1987)

28. Schmidt, D.: Weichteilmalignome   Fortschritte und Grenzen in der pathologisch anatomischen Diagnostik. Klin Pädiatr 199: 204   208 (1987)

29. Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: Immunpathologie der Hirntumoren. Klin Pädiatr 199: 183   187 (1987)

30. Beck, J. D., Bier, V., Jürgens, H., Brandeis, W., Etspüler, G., Gadner, H., Göbel, U., Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: Maligne periphere neuroepitheliale Tumoren im Kindesalter. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 135: 214   217 (1987)

31. Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Die Pathologie der soliden Tumoren im Kindesalter. Saarländisches Ärzteblatt 6: 383   387 (1987)

32. Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Die Histologie der soliden Tumoren und ihre Bedeutung für die Therapie. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 135: 431   436 (1987)

33. Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Solid tumors of childhood. Immunohistochemistry, diagnosis and differentiation. In: Seifert, G., Hübner, K. (Hrsg), Pathology of cell receptors and tumor markers. Application of immunocytochemistry and hybridization in tumor diagnosis. Stuttgart, Fischer, p 182   195 (1987)

34. Jürgens, H., Bier, V., Harms, D., Beck, J., Brandeis, W.,  Etspüler, G., Gadner, H., Schmidt, D., Treuner, J., Winkler, K., Göbel, U.: Malignant peripheral neuroectodermal tumors: A retrospective analysis of 42 patients. Cancer 61: 349   357 (1988)

35. Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: CESS 81/86: Pathologisch anatomische und immunhistochemische Befunde sowie Differentialdiagnose des Ewing Sarkoms. Klin Pädiatr 200: 236   242 (1988)

36. Koscielniak, E., Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Ritter, J., Keim, M., Riehm, H., Treuner, J.: Soft tissue sarcomas in infants younger than one year of age. A report of the German Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (CWS 81). Med Pediatr Oncol 17: 105   110 (1989)

37. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Carstensen, S.: Ganglioneuroblastom   Diagnose und Verlauf. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 72: 292   295 (1988)

38. Schmidt, D., Leuschner, I., Harms, D., Sprenger, E., Schäfer, H. J.: Histopathology, ultrastructure, immunohistology and flow  cytometry in 16 cases of renal and extrarenal malignant rhabdoid tumor. Pathol Res Pract 184: 202   210 (1989)

39. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Jürgens, H.: Maligne periphere neuroektodermale Tumoren (MPNT). Histologische und immunhistochemische Befunde an 41 Fällen. Zbl Allgem Pathol Pathol Anat 135: 257   267 (1989)

40. Schmidt, D.: Laryngeal rhabdomyosarcoma. Letter to the case. Pathol Res Pract 184: 651 (1989)

41. Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Leuschner, I.: Abdominal, retroperitoneal and sacrococcygeal tumours of the newborn and the very young infant. Report from the Kiel Paediatric Tumour Registry. Eur J Pediatr 148: 720   728 (1989)

42. Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Leuschner, I.: Neue Aspekte der Nephroblastome (Wilms Tumoren) und anderer metanephrogener Neoplasmen. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 73: 350   371 (1989)

43. Schmidt, D., Steen, A., Voss, Ch.: Immunohistochemical study of rhabdomyosarcoma: Unexpected staining with S 100 protein and cytokeratin. J Pathol 157: 83 (1989)

44. Leuschner, I., Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver in childhood. Morphology, flow cytometry and literature review. Hum Pathol 21: 68   76 (1990)

45. Handgretinger, R., Kimmig, A., Koscielniak, E., Schmidt, D., Rudolph, G., Wolburg, H., Paulus, W., Schilbad Stueckle, K., Olfenlinger, Ch., Menrad, A., Sproll, M., Bruchelt, G., Dopfer, R., Treuner, J., Niethammer, D.: Establishment and characterization of a cell line (Wa 2) derived from an extra  renal rhabdoid tumor. Cancer Res 50: 2177   2182 (1990)

46. Entzian, P., Barth, J., Kreipe, H., Kirch, W., Schmidt, D.: Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa der Lunge mit dem Bild einer interstitiellen Entzündung wie bei pulmonaler Sarkoidose. Med Klinik 85: 166   168 (1990)

47. Kimmig, A., Handgretinger, R., Schilbach Stückle, K., Ottenlinger, Ch., Niethammer D., Koscielniak, E., Treuner, J., Rudolph, G., Wolburg, H., Paulus, W., Schmidt, D., Altmannsberger, M.: Experimental evidence for neural origin of extrarenal rhabdoid tumor. Clin Chem Enzym Comms 2: 321   327 (1990)

48. Artlich, A., Schmidt, D.: Immunohistochemical profile of meningiomas and their histological subtypes. Hum Pathol 21: 843 - 849 (1990)

49. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Leuschner, I.: Cytokeratin expression in malignant Triton tumor. Pathol Res Pract 186: 507 - 511 (1990)

50. Gutjahr, P., Schwenger, M., Spaar, H.J., Michaelis, J., Niethammer, D., Jürgens, H., Kühl, J., Ludwig, R., Kutzner, J., Schmidt, D., Hohenfellner, R.: Bedeutung der präoperativen und der Radiotherapie bei 373 Kindern mit Wilms Tumor. Dtsch Med Wschr 115: 248   253  (1990)

51. Schmidt, D., Leuschner, I., Moeller, R., Harms, D.: Immunhistochemische Befunde bei Rhabdomyosarkomen. Pathologe 11: 283 - 289 (1990)

52. Eckhardt, C., Schmidt, D., Czank, M.: Intraocular tolerance to silicone oils of different specific gravities. An experimental study. Ophthalmologica 291: 133 - 139 (1990)

53. Schmidt, D., Harms, D.: The applicability of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant soft tissue tumors. A reevaluation based on the material of the Kiel Pediatric Tumor Registry. Klin Pädiatr 202: 222   229 (1990)

54. Leuschner, I., Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Renal cell carcinoma in children: Histology, immunohistochemistry, and follow-up of 10 cases. Med Ped Oncol 19: 33 - 41 (1991)

55. Schmidt, D. Thum, P. Harms, D., Treuner, J.: Synovial sarcoma in children and adolescents. A report from the Kiel Pediatric Tumor Registry. Cancer 67: 1667 - 1672 (1991)

56. Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Jürgens, H.: Therapiestudien aus der pädiatrischen Onkologie. Pathologe 12: 175 - 181 (1991)

57. Weirich, A., Rieden, K., Tröger, J., Schmidt, D., Ludwig, R.: Diagnostische Sicherheit der bildgebenden Verfahren beim Nephroblastom vor präoperativer Chemotherapie: Erste Ergebnisse. Klin Pädiatr 293: 251 - 256 (1991)

58. Schmidt, D., Klinge, P. Leuschner, I., Harms, D.: Infantile desmoid-type fibromatosis. Morphological features correlate with biological behaviour. J Pathol 164: 315 - 319 (1991)

59. Schmidt, D.: Lingual localization of an inclusion body fibromatosis (Reye's tumor). Letter to the case. Pathol Res Pract 187: 889 - 890 (1991)

60. Meister, P., Wöckel, W., Schmidt, D., Trupka, A.: Pulmonary myofibroblastic nodules with "amanthioid features". Pathol Res Pract 187: 906 - 911 (1991)

61. Schmidt, D., Herrmann, C., Jürgens, H., Harms, D.: Malignant peripheral neuroectodermal tumor - Its necessary distinction from Ewing's sarcoma. Cancer 68: 2251 - 2259 (1991)

62. Werner, J.A., Lippert, B.M., Schmidt, D., Rudert, H.: Subglottische Metastase eines multiplen Myeloms. Fallbericht und Literaturübersicht zu laryngealen Plasmozytomen. HNO 39: 405  - 409 (1991)

63. Bröcker, E.-M., Hamm, H., Ritter, J., Happle, R., Schmidt, D.: Rhabdomyosarkom: Eine Differentialdiagnose kutaner Tumoren im Kindesalter. Hautarzt 43: 590 - 593 (1992)

64. Cavazzana, A.O., Schmidt, D., Ninfo, V., Harms, D., Tollot, M., Carli, M., Treuner, J., Betto, R., Salviati, G.: Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. A prognostically favorable variant of rhabdomyosarcoma. Am J Surg Pathol 16: 229 - 235 (1992)

65. Schmidt, D., Harms, D., Leuschner, I.: Malignant renal tumors of childhood. Pathol Res Pract 188: 1 - 15 (1992)

66. Horn, M., Werner, J.A., Schmidt,D., Beigel, A.: Rhabdomyom des Mundbodens -ein Fallbericht. HNO 40: 322 - 324 (1992)

67. Schmidt, D., Fletcher, C.D.M., Harms, D.: Rhabdomyosarcomas with primary presentation in the skin. Pathol Res Pract 189: 422  - 427 (1993)

68. Eckardt, C., Nicolai, U., Czank, M., Schmidt, D.: Identifiaction of silicone oil in the retina after intravitreal injection. Retina 12: S17 - S22 (1992)

69. Schmidt, D.: Pathologie der Weichteilsarkome. Radiologe 32: 579 - 583 (1992)

70. Eckardt, C., Nicolai, U., Czank, M., Schmidt, D.: Okulare Gewebe nach intravitrealer Silikonölinjektion. Ophthalmologe 90: 250-257 (1993)

71. Leuschner, I., Newton,Jr., W.A., Schmidt, D., Sachs, N., Asmar, L., Hamoudi, A.B., Harms, D.: Spindle cell variants of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the paratesticular region: A report of the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study. Am J Surg Pathol 17: 221 - 230 (1993)

72. Ladenstein, R., Treuner, J., Koscielniak, E., D'Oleire, F., Keim, M., Gadner, H., Jürgens, H., Niethammer, D., Ritter, J., Schmidt, D.: Synovial sarcoma of childhood and adolescence. Report of the German CWS-81 study. Cancer 71: 3647 - 3655 (1993)

73. Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Critical commentary to "Cytogenetics of Askin's Tumour". Pathol Res Pract 189: 242 - 244 (1993)

74. Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Rare tumors in childhood: pathological aspects. Experience of the Kiel Pediatric Tumor Registry. Med Ped Oncol 21: 239 - 248 (1993)

75. Rudolph, P., Lappe, T., Schmidt, D.: Expression of CD30 and nerve-growth factor-receptor in neoplastic and reactive vascular lesions: an immunohistochemical study. Histopathology 23: 173 - 178 (1993)

76. Schmidt, D., Köster, E., Harms, D.: Intraabdominal desmoplastic small-cell tumor with divergent differentiation. Clinicopathological findings and DNA poidy. Med Ped Oncol 22: 97 - 102 (1994)

77. Schmidt, D.: Monocyte/macrophage system and malignancies. Med Ped Oncol 23: 444 -451 (1994)

78. Von Schweinitz, D., Wischmeyer, P., Leuschner, I., Schmidt, D., Wittekind, C., Mildenberger, H.: Clinico-pathological criteria with prognostic relevance in hepatoblastoma. Eur J Cancer 30A: 1052 - 1058 (1994)

79. Schmidt, D., Wischmeyer, P., Leuschner, I., Sprenger, E., Langenau, E., von Schweinitz, D., Harms, D.: DNA analysis in hepatoblastoma by flow and image cytometry. Cancer 72: 2914 - 2919 (1993)

80. Calaminus, G., Bamberg, M., Baranzelli, M.C., Benoit, Y., Cordero di Montezemolo, L., Fossati-Bellani, F., Jürgens, H., Kühl, H.J., Lenard, H.G., Lo Curto, M., Mann, J., Patte, C., Pearson, A., Perilongo, G., Schmidt, D., Schober, R., Göbel, U.: Intracranial germ cell tumors: A comprehensive update of the European data. Neuropediatrics 25: 26 - 32 (1994)

81. Elfeldt, R., Schmidt, D., Thies, J., Schröder, D., Seiffert, P.: Defiency of cartilage in the segmental bronchi of a child - congenital or acquired? Ann Thoracic Surg 58: 565 - 567 (1994)

82. Asmar, L., Gehan, E..A., Newton, W.A., Webber, B.L., Triche, T.J., Marsden, H.B., van Unnik, A.J.M., Hamoudi, A.B., Shimada, H., Tsokos, M., Harms, D., Ninfo, V., Schmidt, D., Cavazzana, A., Gonzalez-Crussi, F., Parham, D., Reimann, H., Beltangady, M., Sachs, N., Maurer, H.: Measures of agreement among and within groups of pathologists in the classification of rhabdomyosarcoma and related childhood sarcomas according to four pathological classification systems. Report of a classification study. Cancer 74: 2579 - 2588 (1994)

83. Pietsch, T., Scharmann, T., Fonatsch, C., Schmidt, D., Öckler, R., Freihoff, D., Albrecht, S., Wiestler, O., Zeltzer, P., Riem, H. (1994) Establishment and characterization of cell lines derived from human primitive neuroectodermal tumors. Cancer Res 54: 3278 -3287 (1994)

84. Von Schweinitz, D., Schmidt, D., Fuchs, J., Welte, K., Pietsch, T.: Extramedullary hematopoiesis and intratumoral production of cytokines in childhood hepatoblastoma. Ped Res 38: 555 - 563 (1995)

85. Newton, W.A.,Jr., Gehan, E.A., Webber, B.L., Marsden, H.B., Van Unnik, A.J.M., Hamoudi, SA.B., Tsokos, M.G., Shimada, H., Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Ninfo, V. Cavazzana, SA.O., Gonzalez-Crussi, F., Parham, D.M., Reimann, H.M., Asmar, L. Beltangady, M.S., Sachs, N.E., Triche, T.J., Maurer, H.M.: Classification of rhabdomyosarcomas and related sarcomas. Cancer 76: 1073 - 1085 (1995)

86. Rudolph, P., Lappe, T., Schubert, C., Schmidt, D., Parwaresch, R.M., Christophers, E.: Diagnostic assessment of two novel proliferation-specific antigens in benign and malignant melanocytic lesions. Am J Pathol 147: 1615-1625 (1995)

87. Dallenbach-Hellweg, G., Hahn, U., Schmidt, D.: Morphologische Veränderungen des Endometriums nach Tamoxifentherapie. Zentralbl Gynäkol 118: 365 - 369 (1996)

88. Dallenbach-Hellweg, G., Schmidt, D.: Endometriumkarzinom und Adnektomie? Gynäkol Praxis 20: 651 - 652 (1996)

89. Rudolph, P., Lappe, T., Hero, B., Berthold, F., Parwaresch, R., Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Prognostic significance of the proliferative activity in neuroblastoma. Am J Pathol 150: 133 - 145 (1997)

90. Rudolph, P., Gloeckner, K., Parwaresch, R., Harms, D., Schmidt, D.: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Morphology, immunophenotype and biological behavior. Hum Pathol ( in Druck))

91. Schuhmacher, V., Schneider, S., Figge, A., Wildhardt, G., Harms, D., Schmidt, D., Weirich, A., Ludwig, R., Royer-Pokora, B. (1997) Correlation of germ-line mutations and two-hit inactivation of the WT1 gene with Wilms´tumors of stromal predominant histology. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 3972-3977