
The music you are hearing is from the movie Titanic- a good movie made great by this HOT guy.

UPDATED: January 29,2001.


Hello. Welcome to my little place on the internet.

A litte information about me: I'm 18 years old. I live in a little town in Wisconsin. I was a Varsity Football Cheerleader at my school but now I haven't the time. I have a 2nd degree brown belt in Tang So Do Karate and have recently switched to another style called Tae Kwon Do. I am a member of the Black Belt Club. It is quite an honor to have been nominated to this club and I thank my Instructor, Mr. Wellington, for that. It's interesting to learn new things.

I sometimes work as a waitress/hostess at the local cafe, here, in town. Our boss likes to have a good time and let us do fun things. Here are some Halloween picturesfrom 1998. Can you imagine working in these things??? It was fun, though. I am the one with the long black hair and dress. I'm a little pale, but then so was Morticia Addams.

I am also in an apprenticeship program at my school. I attended the local vo/tech college in our area and received my CNA 2 years ago. I plan on becoming a nurse and then possibly a PA (physician assistant) when I complete all of my education.

I work as a CNA, I am a "Sandwich Artist in my spare time at the local SubWay, and I also work as a security officer at a non-alcoholic club in a town about 30 miles from where I live. It is a distance but it's only once or twice a week. Being the only female "bouncer" is a interesting at times.

If you absolutely MUST see a picture of me, then be my guest. I have a prom picture with Casey and one with Martens, too. The first one is with my friend Casey at my hometown prom and the second one is with my friend Martens at his school prom. If you notice that the dress is the same, it is because one of the guy's girl got sick at the last minute, and I gallantly stepped in. *S*. But it was fun and I had a great time.

I also have some Glamour Shots too. My sisters had theirs done at the same time. It was a lot of fun.

Some people say I have a bad attitude. I don't think so. I'm still the same sweet little girl as I was when I was a baby. See for yourself. Wasn't I sweet?*L*

Well anyway, I am sweet*G*. Now I set a record for detentions in the family. None of it was my fault of course. The dog ate my homework, the cat unplugged my alarm clock and Kellie was practicing ventriloquism when my voice appeared to come out of my mouth and laugh at the teacher. Well, ok once I was late cause I couldn't get up. But to see what I think about that you can see my opinionon this!*S*

OK. Enough kidding around. My last boyfriend was kind of a jerk. I broke up with him cause he had a problem. I have a video of him if you would like to see it.*S*My Ex

OK I will stop*S*. The rest of the stuff here is serious.*L*

I recently went on vacation to the east coast. One of the places we visited, was Cape May, on the Atlantic. While there we drove over to Wildwood to the boardwalk where I got to sky coast. Feel free to view my vacation pictures .

I just got a banner so if you would like to copy it and add a link to your page it is ok with me! Please be sure to save it to your server and not link it as it tends to make my server a little cranky. Thanks.*S*

I hope be having music, photos, personal information along with a vairety of links to midis and wav sounds (If I can ever find the time!

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