The Psychiatry Residency Program began at the Harlem Hospital Center in 1960 and the first eight residents graduated in 1965.Since than more than 250 residents have graduated from the program.The training program at the Harlem Hospital is unique because it is one of the programs that provides the training to the Physicians who are intersted in providing the care to the Urban and under priviliged patient population.The program has 30 Residents from Pakistan,China,Phillipines,Bangladesh,Nigeria,Haiti,Trinidad,Jamaica,Vietnam and Romania. There is great appreciation for the biological,psychological and social paradigms.The program strives to integrate the principles of Community and Hospital Psychiatry in order to produce Residents competent to practice in either or both areas.

Dr Henry L McCurtis,MD,Program Director

Program Description

Resident Listing

ER Schedule(Password Required)

Grand Rounds



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