Portsmouth Host Lions Club

        District 24D

        Welcome to the homepage of the Portsmouth Host Lions Club

        PORTSMOUTH HOST LIONS CLUB is located and has served the city of Portsmouth, Virginia since 1933. We meet the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Holiday Inn-Ole Towne, 8 Crawford Parkway, Portsmouth, Va. 23704 Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to serve the needs of others locally and worldwide, all without any personal rewards. We gain friendship, good fellowship and an enrichment of our own lives.

        Club History 1933-2001

        Club Officers

        • PRESIDENT......................................Ed Ianni.
        • FIRST VICE PRESIDENT................David Todd.
        • SECOND VICE PRESIDENT.........D.P. Palmer.
        • THIRD VICE PRESIDENT..............Brian Foster.
        • LION TAMER................................. Yvonne Palmer.
        • SECRETARY...............................Dennis Palmer.
        • TREASURER...................................Tom Hoddinot.
        • TAIL TWISTER...............................Jack Moscovitz.

        Fund Raisers

        • White Cane Sale
        • Sale of blind made products, brooms, mops, etc.
        • Golf tournament
        • Sale of Lions of Virginia raffle tickets.
        • Sale of personalized Afghans of the City Of Portsmouth

        Club Projects

        • Annual fishing trip for the blind in conjunction with the U.S.Coast Guard.
        • Provide paired reading volunteers at one of the local elementary schools
        • Organize diabetes testing
        • Fund blind bowling leagues, Journey for Sight one mile and 5 K races
        • Fund eye examinations, eyeglasses, hearing aids and eye surgeries for the city of Portsmouth community.
        • Help organize and conduct with two other clubs the state Bland music contest
        • Conduct testing with the District 24D's Sight and Hearing Mobile Van
        • We are excited about the District's new state of the art Sight and Hearing Van bought in June 1997

        Lions Links

        Lions International
        Lion Net International
        Lion Net Virginia

        If you would like to learn more about the Portsmouth Host Lions Club or learn about membership opportunities send e-mail or contact us at either address below:

        Lion Len Wardle Membership Chairman
        924 Martin Avenue
        Portsmouth, Va. 23701
        Phone (757) 488-0155

        Lion D.P. Palmer
        401 Snead Fairway
        Portsmouth, Va. 23701
        Phone (757) 465-1441

        E-mail Lion Dennis Palmer at: Dennis@cherrycarpet.com


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